by J.B. Shurk, American Thinker:
Negotiation is the art of getting an opponent to advocate for your position. You want one thousand dollars for an old car. You ask for two. The buyer works you down to one, and you shake on the “deal.”
Parents employ similar skills. A toddler who is unhappy about being put in the stroller might be given a choice: we can either go to the park or take a nap. Cries often disappear when the alternative to play is less fun. Of course, children quickly learn this game, too. Some will double-down on crying until mom throws up her hands and offers to renegotiate: and we can stop for ice cream on the way! Teenagers realize that either-or offers invite workarounds. “Do your homework or you’re grounded” succeeds as a negotiating position only if Junior can’t climb out the window after dark.