Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tag: And The Global Balance Of Power Is Rapidly Shifting In Favor Of The Ultra-Wealthy Elite

Money Is Power, And The Global Balance Of Power Is Rapidly Shifting In Favor Of The Ultra-Wealthy Elite

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

If  you have enough money, you can buy just about anything.  And when you are in a position where you can buy just about anything, you wield an enormous amount of raw power.  Today, our world is completely and utterly dominated by those at the very top of the economic pyramid.  Those in the top one percent of the top one percent are pretty much able to do whatever they want, and the rest of us are pretty much powerless to stop them.  Unfortunately, the gap between the ultra-wealthy elite and the rest of us just continues to get even larger.  Last year, the total wealth of the world’s millionaires reached a staggering 86.8 trillion dollars