Saturday, December 14, 2024

Tag: Allowing Them To Rewrite History

Disturbing Warnings Of Dangers To Come As Globalists Prepare To Take Down The Internet, Allowing Them To Rewrite History, While ‘Criminal Invaders’ Are Set Loose Across America

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

– They’ll Be Paid By The US Govt To Hunt Down And Kill Americans

With ‘Super Tuesday’ now over and Donald Trump cementing his position as the Republican party nominee in November, (short of something drastic and horrific being carried out by Democrats or their ‘agents of terror’ they’ve allowed to come stampeding in,) all of the recent internet outages we’ve been witnessing over the past several months, including Facebook, Instagram and Messenger being knocked off line globally on Tuesday, may be warnings of something much bigger to come as we race towards November.