Making America Into Haiti


from Moonbattery:

The reason the Biden Regime refuses to defend the border from the largest invasion in human history is that Democrats want to do to Texas what they did to formerly American California, thereby helping them to secure single-party rule throughout the country. The next biggest red state is Florida, which will be difficult to flip with such a successful Republican governor. But the same fix applies:


Border agents in Miami have been told to prepare for a wave of migration from Haiti following the takeover of the country by bloodthirsty gangs, The Post has learned.

An internal agency email leaked to The Post pointed out it is unlikely Haitians who take to the sea and enter Florida illegally will be repatriated back to their home country, given its instability.

Haiti has been unstable ever since the Europeans who founded it were killed off by the Africans they imported at the turn of the 18th century.

The message also warned that one vessel of migrants landing would overwhelm agency capabilities in the area.

The Biden Regime has been spending money faster than any other government that has ever existed. It just unveiled a $7.3 trillion budget featuring $5.5 trillion in tax hikes, constituting “the highest sustained income tax burden in American history as a share of the economy” according to a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute. Yet we are told we do not have the resources to prevent savages in flip-flops from invading Florida.

The streets of Port-au-Prince are littered with bodies of the dead, according to local reports. …

Gangs have also released thousands of inmates from the country’s prisons and lawlessness prevails across the country.

I hope you like what has been going on in Haiti. It’s our future, after America’s core population has been displaced through Democrat policy.

Biden is in so much trouble with voters that he may at turn back part of the coming tsunami of rapidly reproducing moochers. If not, Democrats will have dropped the pretense of representing the American people or even caring who we vote for. That would mean we’ve reached the end game.

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