Five Days of Reiner Fuellmich Trial Update: Court Hears Corona Committee Colleagues “Set Traps” in “Manhunt” Leading to His Arrest.


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

The Corona Committee, chaired by lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer has been outstanding for the educational work they shared worldwide particularly during the plandemic period from 2020-2022. In October 2023 Dr Reiner Fuellmich the face of the Corona Committee investigations was arrested and has now attended five trial days while remaining in custody in a Göttingen jail accused of embezzlement. According to a citizen journalist, Daniela Goeken, who has observed all trial days, there has been a “manhunt” aided by his Corona Committee colleagues and she says that the arrest of Reiner Fuellmich is a “conspiracy, a concerted action by many people to condemn him to inactivity.”


The Expose Updates.

Since his arrest the Expose has provided updates on Dr Fuellmich’s situation as requested by many of our readers. This particular update is pretty large, as I have tried to include as much as I can find about Dr Fuellmich, focusing mainly on the trial (which is continuing). Included is the collected and collated files from the trial observations written by Jiota for ICIC. Law, a summary of Day 5 of the trial from Reiner’s lawyer, Katja Woermer, an interview with Reiner Fuellmich with Ruediger Lenz on Apolut, also a video link to an address from Reiner, and finally a message from his wife Inka. Obviously readerswill be able to pick and choose which parts they would like to read or listen to if not all of it.

From Citizen Journalist Daniela Goeken

First I have taken excerpts from the court trial observations from citizen Journalist Daniela Goeken who has learned from her attendance at the trials that emails have revealed ex Corona Committee colleagues had secretly worked together with the prosecution for over a year and were giving him a number of tips on where, how and when Dr Fuellmich could be arrested.

They did not shy away from luring him somewhere, setting traps for him, inviting him to events just to get the opportunity to intercept him. Because apparently it was not possible to arrest the accused legally, as he was in a non-European country and there was no international criminal warrant.” says Daniela who asks “How can this kind of “manhunt” happen in a civilized country like Germany? Why are complainants, who are actually quite normal citizens, allowed to actively help arrest and imprison the person they have reported?” “

Let us remember” she says “the persecuted and accused was not a serious criminal, he was not a violent bank robber and certainly not a serial killer. In fact, no criminal charges were even necessary, as it was a civil matter. Normally. In normal times. Under normal circumstances. But here the matter was somewhat different, the accused seems to have been of particular interest to the authorities. Why that was the case remains to be seen.”

Promises to Repay the Money

The “crime” Reiner Fuellmich is accused of is the embezzlement of money which was taken from the Corona Committee’s account for security purposes but was not returned and although he had always pointed out that he could only repay the money once his property had been sold.

What also particularly concerns the citizen journalist, is that nobody, notices that the criminal complaint was signed on September 2, 2022 was filed BEFORE any actual “crime” was committed. “Has this ever happened before in the history of justice, a criminal being charged purely as a precaution before he could do anything wrong?” she asks.

However, Dr. Fuellmich never got the chance to do so because “the complainants managed to have the money from the sale of the house transferred to one of their own accounts,” according to Daniela. She says “Imagine that for a moment, People file a criminal complaint “as a precaution” and then themselves ensure that the accused has no choice but to actually commit the “crime”

The money Dr. Fuellmich is accused of embezzling is in the account of Marcel Templin, one of the complainants, says Daniela who believes that the Corona Committee including Viviane Fischer, Justus Hoffmann and Antonia Fischer could contact Marcel Templin directly and could easily return it to where it belongs. “Is this even about money, or is there something completely different behind it?”she asks.

Viviane Fischer Testimony

For the citizen journalist Daniela, “the confused stories” of witness Viviane Fischer filled almost two complete days of the trial, but, for her it still remains the very simple story that a man took 700,000 euros from the Corona Committee’s donation account, kept it safe from the state, and was unable to repay the money because it was taken from him by the complainants themselves.

During the testimony of Viviane Fischer which took place in both the fourth and fifth day of the trial, she made strong accusations against Reiner Fuellmich that he had personally enriched himself with the Corona Committee’s donations and spent the money for his own purposes. As a result, the committee had become practically unable to work and the donors had been defrauded. She goes on to explain at length that the statutes stipulate that none of the employees should be paid for their work.

According to Daniela “The judge constructs his questioning very well” He allowed Fischer to explain what exactly she means by the term “liquidity reserve”, which apparently she often uses and whether she had agreed with the defendant exactly how the money that had been withdrawn and was to be kept safe was to be used. Fischer affirms several times that it was always clear that this money should have been available at all times in case the Corona Committee’s account was seized.

She also states that she would never have agreed to the defendant putting the money he took into a property.

The judge went on to project a chat history onto the wall where it could be read that the defendant once asked the witness: “And what about your 100,000 euros? Are they gone already?” (He meant the money taken for security purposes) To which the witness replied in the chat: “Yes, they’re already gone.”

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