Biden Keeps Losing Wars


by Frank Friday, American Thinker:

I am old enough to remember when it was considered a disgrace to even countenance the idea American could lose a war. Under Joe Biden, losing a war is a regular occurrence.

Vlad Putin took a victory lap in our latest defeat, the Ukraine War, by ruthlessly killing one of his few living Russian opponents — Alexei Navalny. Joe Biden promised there would be reprisals if Navalny died back in 2021, but of course, that was an empty threat. Instead, buoyed by cynical regimes from China to India to North Korea willing to break international sanctions, Putin’s terror state keeps on humming.


Ukraine’s year-long offensive ran out of steam in the fall, just as I predicted. The Biden administration got way behind on weapon deliveries to Ukraine. There was already a huge ammo problem this summer when funds were supposedly in place.

All Biden’s people have now is the ridiculous supplemental military aid package. This has billions of dollars more in “humanitarian aid for Palestine” as the price for helping Israel. No actions to secure our own borders, and just enough money to keep Ukraine fighting, but not defeating Russia, for another year. Long-requested weapons that once might have made a difference, from F-16 jets to ATACMS missiles, are still nowhere to be found.

In other words, our strategy is to fight another “no-win war,” much as the Democrats ran the Korean and Vietnam wars of the 20th century, or later, the Afghanistan War.

Back in 2019, Donald Trump was impeached for wanting answers from Ukraine’s new president about the corrupt payoffs to Joe Biden’s family and briefly held up lethal military aid, to further this effort.

Volodymyr Zelensky tried to play it both ways; saying he had no problem with Trump, who unlike his predecessor Obama, was sending him massive amounts of weaponry to defend his country. But otherwise, not engaging on the issue.

In 2020, when the whole Hunter Biden laptop scandal broke, showing the scale of the Biden crime family’s foreign payday racket, Zelensky was conspicuously silent.

Had he stepped up back then and started talking about how Biden blackmailed Ukraine to fire Viktor Shokin, the highly-regarded man investigating Burisma, it would have destroyed Old Joe’s presidential run.

Instead, he kept his mouth shut while Biden was elected, leaving Biden to resume Obama’s policy of delaying weapons shipments, encouraging Putin to think he could invade Ukraine with impunity, especially after Biden’s insane comments about a minor incursion.

That didn’t work out so well for any of them. Zelensky lost big chunks of his country; Putin’s incompetent soldiers were shot to pieces, once U.S. aid belatedly arrived; and Biden had yet another fiasco to go with his growing collection.

Recently, Speaker Mike Johnson took my advice on further military appropriations — trade Ukraine money for real border security. This was absolutely the right strategy. Biden and his people have complete contempt for our country and cannot be allowed to simply wave along tens of millions of foreign freeloaders into our nation, as part of their Make America Lousy Again policy.

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