Canada Forced to Stop Euthanizing Mentally Ill as Doctors Refuse to Comply


by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Canada’s government has been forced to halt its controversial program to euthanize mentally ill patients after large numbers of doctors have refused to participate in the scheme.

Canadian health officials announced that the extension of its “assisted suicide” program, to people suffering solely from mental illness, has been delayed.

As Slay News has reported, Canada has some of the most liberal euthanasia laws in the world.

In recent years, the government has been increasingly relaxing the laws that were originally meant to give terminally ill people an option for dying.


However, the expansion of the laws means people can now be euthanized for far less severe issues such as depressionhomelessness, or mental illness.

The laws have even been expanded to include “mature minors” with a push to expand to infants.

In recent months, the North American nation has been ramping up efforts to accelerate the euthanasia of mentally ill citizens.

However, while Canada has now offered medically assisted death to terminally and chronically ill people for some time, the plan to extend the program to people with mental illnesses has divided Canadians, the New York Times reported.

Some critics attribute the problem to a lack of adequate psychiatric care in the country.

The government has even been accused of killing people, rather than treating them, as a cost-saving measure for the nation’s socialist health care system.

The controversial policy would allow anyone in Canada with a medical condition to apply for assisted suicide, even if the disease is not terminal.

It makes the law one of the most liberal assisted suicide programs in the world.

Canada introduced medically assisted dying after its Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that requiring people to cope with intolerable suffering infringed on fundamental rights to liberty and security.

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