BEWARE, TEXAS!!! Just like the FEDs set up the fake ‘J6 Insurrection’, the explosive border crisis can be……


from State Of The Nation:

…….similarly hijacked by the
treacherous and traitorous Biden administration to further disparage
the MAGA Movement and criminalize
all protests against their nakedly treasonous and unlawful alien


SOTN Editor’s Note: This Alt Media platform has published several pieces that have asserted that the best defense is a great offense where it concerns the Democrats’ biennial election theft enterprise conducted nationwide.

In the case of the ongoing and overt takeover of the American Republic by the New World Order globalist cabal, that means launching pre-emptive strikes before the communist-run Uniparty presses the button on their meticulously designed bolshevik revolution.

In other words, if SOTN, or any other Alt Media flame-thrower, had posted detailed accusations about the US government-sponsored, false flag, terror attacks on 9/11/01 during the months prior to that Gladio-style operation, the perfidious perps would have been forced to abandon that highly consequential global psyop.

Now let’s take a close look at the extremely volatile Texas border crisis as one commenter at TBP did (see his very astute comment below). But first understand that Governor Abbott cannot be trust. As follows:

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