by Hardscrabble Farmer, The Burning Platform:

The functioning of an orderly society depends entirely upon the voluntary submission of the individual to the framework of the establishment, not force employed against them. The threat of loss of liberty, imprisonment, violence, torture, etc. is implied and only need be used as an example rather than as a widespread policy because to do so in reality is impossible.


That was the entire point of the flu hoax and all of its attendant mandates, to gauge the public level of compliance to a government that fully comprehends it is losing power and respect domestically. Where it has tried to carry out the aims and directives of the elites through the force abroad- Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan- it has failed, despite the overwhelming advantage it possessed technologically. Where it has nearly complete control in a lock-down environment, like prisons, it still must bargain with and accept shared control with those inmates and gangs inside their own facilities in order to keep it from going nuclear.

In short, it is the individual who determines just how submissive or free he decides to live his life, not those who pretend at administrating and enforcing the policies of the government.

Humans appear to be driven by a variety of factors, from needs and desires, to love and fear. Some people are more willing to concede whatever is asked of them while others are not. The problem lies not in the laws and directives imposed and how those rules are enforced, but in the vast numbers of people required to execute the orders against an even larger number who would resist or fight back.

This balance has always been the trickiest part for any ruler or administration to maintain. Occasionally it works in harmony, when there are plentiful resources and frontiers and the population shares a common spirit and consanguinity. There are times when it doesn’t work at all and ends in complete collapse of the culture and its government, like the Soviet Union, Rome, Assyria, etc.

One of the best tells of an ongoing collapse is always the increased use of draconian policies, either based on legal stricture or domestic violence carried out by authorities. Very few authoritarian nations/empires survive for long once they embark on this path, but it never succeeds in the long term.

Remember that in every time and in every place this overreach is is predicated not on strength, but rather on weakness. The fictions employed always rest on ever more outlandish claims, a religious fervor and the appeal to the population being tyrannized that it is for the greater good, even as it demonstrates that it exactly the opposite.

Most of us reading these words are already aware of our current situation. We were, for the most part, born into a time of unimaginable material wealth and luxury, a lifestyle so comfortable, even for those at the very bottom as to be incomprehensible to any other time in history. It is hard to have to live with the fact that this period is coming to an end and that we will return in short order to a more fundamental state of existence, but adjust to this we must if we expect to survive the coming tribulations. While this sea change will be difficult, it also presents an opportunity to live a life more in accordance to our true nature.

No living organism is meant to live in perpetual stasis. Struggle with environment, with others, with our own need for food and shelter, to raise families and eventually die are the foundational purposes of existence. This current order is sick and it is dying. As it moves towards its inevitable dissolution those who live the lives furthest removed from the foundations will act out with the greatest levels of irrationality and violence.

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