According to “our free press” and “the science,” what’s killing millions is NOT “vaccination.”


by Mark Crispin Miller, News from Underground:

No, it’s white bread, smartwatches, Daylight Savings Time, antibiotics, stevia, swimming, Christmas….

Having misled billions into getting jabbed, these “journalists” and “scientists” are also in cahoots producing bogus “reasons” for the ongoing population CRASH. It’s epidemiology for halfwits.


A study out of India—where people have been “dying suddenly,” in ever greater numbers, for the past three years—has “found” no link between “vaccination” and that sudden epidemic of untimely deaths:

India: Unexplained sudden deaths in young adults not linked to Covid-19 vaccination, says ICMR study

November 22, 2023

A recent study conducted by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has revealed that unexplained sudden deaths among young adults in India are not associated with the COVID-19 vaccination. The study, titled “Factors associated with sudden deaths among adults aged 18-45 years in India: a multicentric matched case-control study,” has been published in the Indian Journal of Medical Research. Contrary to initial concerns, the study found no evidence of a positive correlation between COVID-19 vaccination and unexplained sudden death among young adults. In fact, the research suggests that COVID-19 vaccination may actually reduce the risk of such incidents in this age group.

The study highlighted several factors that may contribute to unexplained sudden death among young adults in India. These include a family history of sudden death, previous hospitalization for COVID-19, recent binge drinking, and engagement in vigorous-intensity physical activity. Addressing these risk factors could potentially help mitigate the occurrence of unexplained sudden deaths in this demographic. The researchers interviewed/perused records to collect data on COVID-19 vaccination/ infection and post-COVID-19 conditions, family history of sudden death, smoking, recreational drug use, alcohol frequency and binge drinking and vigorous-intensity physical activity two days before death/interviews. Anecdotal reports of sudden death among healthy young adults in India led the researchers to conduct the investigation. These deaths raised concerns that they might be related to COVID-19 infection or Covid vaccination, official sources stated.


Eating White Bread Linked to Cancer

November 23, 2023

Eating white bread every day could increase a person’s risk of developing colorectal cancer, according to a new study. Chinese researchers linked the lunchroom staple to the devastating diagnosis in a new study published last week in the journal Nutrients. They also found that drinking alcohol increases the risk of colorectal cancer, while diets high in fiber, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and manganese drop a person’s risk of the disease. White bread has long been derided by dieticians, who instead recommend a whole wheat bread. The flour used in white bread is highly processed and high in carbs, which the body breaks down into sugar. Previous research has linked white bread consumption to increased risk of obesity and diabetes. Both conditions are strongly linked to colorectal cancer.


The American Diet Has a Sandwich Problem

March 14, 2023

The humble sandwich is the saboteur of the American diet. Most Americans consume too much sodium, sugar and saturated fat, according to government survey data. Sandwiches—which almost half of Americans eat on any given day—are a primary culprit. Nutritionists, doctors and public-health officials are trying to nudge people to make their sandwiches healthier, believing that even simple changes can improve health. Sandwiches are the number one source of sodium and saturated fat in Americans’ diets, making up about one-fifth of our daily sodium intake and 19% of our daily saturated fat calories, according to an analysis of federal survey data. Sandwiches contribute 7% of daily added sugars, the same percentage as breakfast cereals and bars. “The standard deli sandwich with processed meat and cheese, you’re literally eating a heart bomb,” says Dariush Mozaffarian, a cardiologist and professor of nutrition and medicine at Tufts University. Excess sodium increases blood pressure, which raises the risk of heart disease and stroke. People also eat an extra nearly 100 calories on the days they eat sandwiches, according to federal survey data analyzed by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign researchers. Sandwiches are often high in calories compared with other meals.

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