Pope Francis Is Ruthlessly Purging Roman Cardinals Who Oppose His Pro-LGBTQ+ Mandates As He Continues To Create The Affirming Catholic Church


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

Pope Francis has kicked conservative US Cardinal Raymond Burke out of his Vatican apartment and stripped him of his salary after he criticized the pontiff’s pro-LGBTQ+ stance.

By this point, it is obvious that the Roman Catholic Church, started by the Caesars during the time of the closing days of the Roman Empire, is taking a page from the book of Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, better known as Caligula, and transitioning into being LGBTQ+ affirming under the leadership of Pope Francis. US Cardinal Raymond Burke just found out the hard way that going against the pope’s affirming mandates comes at a cost.

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The Roman Catholic Church is not part of the falling away, because it has been a counterfeit from its inception in 325 AD. They’ve never taught Bible doctrine so there is nothing for them to ‘fall away’ from. What they are doing right now is preparing themselves to be ruled over by the coming Antichrist, by gathering all religions into one in anticipation of his soon arrival.

Pope Francis kicks conservative US Cardinal Raymond Burke out of his Vatican apartment and strips him of his salary after he criticized pontiff’s pro-LGBTQ+ stance

FROM THE DAILY MAIL UK: Francis has decided to punish Burke by revoking his right to a subsidized Vatican apartment and salary in the second such radical action against an American prelate this month, according to two sources. It is understood Francis told a meeting of the heads of Vatican offices last week that he was moving against Burke because he was a source of ‘disunity’ in the church, said one of the participants at the November 20 meeting.

Burke’s privileges of having a subsidized Vatican apartment and salary as a retired cardinal have been removed because he was using the benefits against the church, said another person who was subsequently briefed on the pope´s measures. Both insiders spoke on the condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to reveal the details.

Burke has not received any notification of measures being taken, his secretary said in a text message Tuesday to The Associated Press.

Burke, a 75-year-old canon lawyer whom Francis had fired as the Vatican’s high court justice in 2014, has become one of the most outspoken critics of the pope, his outreach to LGBTQ+ Catholics and his reform project to make the church more responsive to the needs of ordinary faithful. Twice, Burke has joined other conservative cardinals in issuing formal questions to the pontiff, known as ‘dubia,’ asking him to clarify questions of doctrine that upset conservatives and traditionalists.

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