35 Zionist Media Lies, the Killing of Children, Neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel


by Gideon Polya, Global Research:

Below are 35 lies perpetrated and perpetuated by the neo-Nazi Zionists and by Zionist-subverted Australia and other members of the US Alliance West in support of neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel.

As a measure of the success of Zionist lying the results from Google Searches for the indicated phrases in inverted commas are given in brackets. Space does not permit detailed and documented refutation of each Lie here but item #13 gives an example of such refutation.

For an extremely detailed and documented refutation of each of these 35 Zionist lies in an over 9,000-word and 109-reference analysis see Gideon Polya, “Gaza Massacre: 35 Ways Zionist-perverted US, Australia & West Lie For Child-killing, Neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel”, Countercurrents, 23 November 2023.

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(1) The Lie that “Israel is a Jewish state” (333,000 Google Search results).

(2) The Lie that “Israel is a democracy” (261,000).

(3)  The Lie that “Israel is a liberal democracy” (54,000).

(4) The Lie that “Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East” (36,000).

(5) The Lie that “Israel has the most moral army” (5,000).

(6) The Lie that “Israel is the home of the Jewish people” (95,000).

(7) The Lie that “Israel is not an apartheid state” (34,000).

(8) The Lie involved in describing the WW2 Jewish Holocaust as “The Holocaust” (47,000,000).

(9) The Lie involved in falsely weaponizing “Anti-Semitism” (25,000,000) against humane critics of Apartheid Israel.

(10) The Lie involved in falsely weaponizing the “Jewish Holocaust” (1,160,000) against humane critics of Apartheid Israel.

(11) The Lies involved in supporting the all-European, anti-Jewish anti-Semitic, anti-Arab anti-Semitic and holocaust-denying “International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance” (159,000) or “IHRA” (2,330, 000).

(12) The Lies involved in supporting the “IHRA definition of antisemitism” (66,000).

(13) The Lie involved in conflating “Zionism” (14,000,000), “Israel” (3,270,000,000) and the “State of Israel” (34,100,000)  with “all Jews” (2,770,000). Refutation: A large body of anti-racist Jews are opposed to the Apartheid and genocidal racism policies of Apartheid Israel. For example, 25% of US Jews surveyed acknowledge that Israel is an Apartheid state.

(14) The Lie that “anti-Zionism is antisemitism” (16,000).

(15) The Lie that “Israel-Nazi comparison” (600) is antisemitism.

(16) The Lie involved in asserting that comments on “Jewish wealth” (77,000) are anti-Semitic.

(17) The Lie that pejorative noting of “Jewish support for Israel” (19,000) is anti-Semitic.

(18) The Lie that support for “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions” (355,000) aka “BDS” (89,000,000) against Apartheid Israel and all its supporters is anti-Semitic.

(19) The Lie that supporting boycotts of Zionist businesses is akin to the Nazi “boycott of Jewish businesses” (26,000).

(20) The Lie that asserting “Jewish influence” (269,000) and “Jewish power” (618,000) is anti-Semitic.

(21) The Lie that Jews have a “right to Palestine” (1, 570,000).

(22) The Lie that “Hamas is a terrorist organization” (279,000).

(23) The Lie of a “Hamas terrorist massacre” (2,700) and “Hamas massacre of children” (7,000) on 7 October 2023.

(24) The Lie that opposing a “Jewish state” (5,820,000) in Palestine is anti-Semitic.

(25) The Lie that “Palestine” (497,000,000) and “Palestinians” (568,000,000) do not exist.

(26) The Lie that as an Occupying Power “Israel has the right to defend itself” (270,000) in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

(27) The Lie that “Palestinian armed resistance” (17,000) is unlawful and terrorism.

(28) The Lie that “Israel is civilized” (2,000).

(29) The Lies that “Hamas is barbaric” (4,000) and “Palestinians are barbaric” (2,000).

(30) The Lie of the false descriptive “Palestinian Territories” (56,400,000) instead of the correct “Occupied Palestinian Territories”  (1,700,000).

(31) The Lie that use of the term “final solution” (17,700,000) is anti-Semitic.

(32) The Lie that “Israeli settlements are legal” (2,000).

(33) The Lie of a “two-state solution” (9,300,000) that is now dead because 90% of Palestine has been ethnically cleansed of Indigenous Palestinians.

(34) The Lie that “anti-Semitism” (25,400,000) and “antisemitism” (65,000,000)  only refer to anti-Jewish prejudice, with this minimizing “anti-Jewish anti-Semitism” (16,800) and ignoring horrendously deadly and ongoing “anti-Arab anti-Semitism” (3,600) in genocidal US wars on Arab and Muslim countries (see the huge books by Gideon Polya, “US-imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide”, “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”, and “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History”).  

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