Capital Crimes And High Treason Committed By ‘Biden Crime Cabal’ Against America Covered Up By MSM And Deep State Proves Them ‘Co-Conspirators’ In The Atrocities And Carnage


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

– ATF Door To Door Searches For Gun Parts Shows The Ugly Face Of Tyranny Already Here

While the biggest news all across America on Wednesday should have been the unveiling by Republicans in Congress of even more proof that America is being run (into the ground we might add) by a ‘crime family‘ which long ago put the American people last while enriching his own family to the tune of millions of dollars from nations which want us destroyed, you’d never know it if you went over to CNN or MSNBC or Drudge or any other liberal outlet, as their top stories were what Donald Trump was alleged to have done way back in the 1990’s and on ‘George Santos,’ as if the treasonous and outright genocidal crimes worthy of death penalties committed by ‘Braindead‘ joe and his crime cabal had never taken place.


Though none of us should be the least bit surprised that the MSM was totally ‘hands off‘ of the still unraveling biden crime family crimes; as Susan Duclos has reported numerous times on ANP, if Americans want any REAL NEWS about the completely corrupt psychopaths running America, we need to get it from websites such as the Daily Mail and other foreign news outlets not beholden to the devilrats attempting to turn America into their own personal dictatorship, or from the ‘independent news.’

With that huge disparity over what is ‘REAL and important‘ news vs what are rumors and manufactured ‘news‘ just the latest proof that Americans are now living in two totally different world’s, the fact that the FBI has refused to hand over documents to Congress that provide absolute proof the ‘biden crime family‘ sold out America should be the nuclear bomb that breaks the US govt’s back in its attempt to be looked at by Americans as ‘legitimate‘ and ‘trustworthy,’ proving once again why most Americans can’t trust ‘government‘ as far as we could throw it.

And with the same globalists, who should be facing executions along with the biden crime family, doing everything in their power to censor independent news websites such as ANP, which are reporting censored truth rather than manufacturing fake news aka lies, a HUGE reason why your donations to ANP are absolutely critical in keeping us online, we don’t have to guess to see what ALL of America would look like today if biden’s left had their way, all we need to do is look at what’s happening in California and nearly every devilrat-run city across America as Susan had pointed out in this ANP story.

With her story showing huge parts of America already transformed into what look like 3rd world nations, we remind you once again that according to the Deagel report ‘forecast‘ for what America would look like by the year 2025, besides showing a HUGELY DEPOPULATED country with a population of well below 100 million people (meaning they’d have to kill off over 230 million Americans from our 2017 population,) Deagel also forecast America’s economy to be in total shambles by 2025, forecasting we’d be a 3rd world nation. And look what biden and devil-crats are doing!

So before we continue, we have to take a look below at a new story over at Newswars which reports what we’ll never hear from the msm, with them and the ‘deep state‘ continuing to run cover up for the biden crime family and the myriad high crimes, including treason and genocide, they’re carrying out upon the American people.

Proving to us once again that America’s ‘deep state‘ has quite literally declared war upon ‘the truth,‘ as well as upon the American people, we see why the trust of Americans in the msm is near record lows, while the trust of Americans in ‘the government‘ and our top ‘institutions is at absolutely abominable numbers as seen in the chart above taken from this Gallup poll story from July of 2022.

Showing America’s trust in Congress at a horrific 7%, while our trust in TV news was at an equally horrific 11% and our trust in the newspapers at an almost-equally abominable 16%,  we’d love to see how poorly those numbers will be in the next Gallup poll on American’s trust in institutions with all of these lies being exposed by the independent media and thankfully, Tucker Carlson speaking up.

With putting out this story back on February 15th of 2023 titled “Trust in media is so low that half of Americans now believe that news organizations deliberately mislead them,” we wonder why it has taken so many Americans so long to figure that out, though better late than never. From this Newswars story below we see why it’s time both the FBI and CIA are permanently ripped into little bits and pieces, as President John F. Kennedy wanted to do to the CIA before they killed him.

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