Trump Wins. What Next? (Part 1)


by Kurt Schlichter, Townhall:

It’s still about five months until the election, but it’s pretty clear that Donald Trump has become – impossible as it might have seemed last year – the favorite to win. We must  plan the battles that lie ahead now. This first column talks about what happens immediately after we win. Part 2 talks about what Trump needs to do during his first days in office to set the stage for the total destruction of the Democrats’ dreams. We have to prepare for success. The great Townhall senior columnist Derek Hunter warns that you should not spike the football anywhere but the endzone, but this time, we need to be ready.


A successful fight to restore our country – to make it great again, as some put it – will be like a military campaign. We have three battles ahead of us between now and next spring. The close fight is the battle to pull off the win against the collective rigging and cheating of the Democrats, the regime media, and their allies in the ruling class. The next fight, one terrain feature ahead, deals with the left’s unhinged response to his victory. And the third fight, the deep battle, is what Trump must do during the first couple of months upon taking office. In today’s column, we’ll talk about the second fight, and what the Democrats and their allies will do to disrupt the peaceful transition of government, something that will suddenly be not just okay but mandatory when Trump wins again.

The election will be between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, or at least the dusty, empty husk that is all that remains of Joe Biden. They’re not going to trade him out. The Very Real Doctor Jill is not going to stop being First Lady simply because her husband is a senile, corrupt old pervert who is destroying our country – what’s important is her and her needs. And don’t underestimate the needs of the thousands of lackeys, minions and henchpeople within the administration who are personally invested in this charade going on for another four years. They’re not going anywhere. Unless the Grim Reaper grimly reaps this elderly cretin before November, he’s on the ticket with his borderline clinical moron running mate Kamala.

The panic will really set in in October if the polls don’t change. They will lash out. There will be unsurprising October surprises. We may see another dozen bogus criminal charges against Trump and his associates. We can be pretty sure that there will be chaos at the Democratic convention and maybe in the streets like in 2020, but that’s not for certain – have you noticed that, as it became clear that people are disgusted by these little Hamas-hugging mutants, that the coverage of the campus crusade for communism has diminished significantly? Look for the regime media to do everything it can to try to help its crusty candidate, but the usual propaganda is not going to help. Eight-dollar Big Macs and six-dollar-a-gallon gas are much more compelling to the average voter than the fulminations of the midwit likes of Caitlin Collins about Muh Insurrection and Trump’s alleged threat to Our Democracy.

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