The “Blood Moon Purim Eclipse” Of March 25th Will Happen At About The Same Time “The Devil Comet” Becomes Visible To The Naked Eye


by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

During the next couple of months, so many amazing things are going to be happening in the heavens.  For example, during the Great American Eclipse of 2024 on April 8th, the sun, the moon and the seven other planets in our solar system will all line up in the sky.  It is almost as if the entire solar system will be screaming that this is a once in a lifetime event.  But before we get to April 8th, there will be some other absolutely incredible things happening in the skies above our heads.  On March 25th, we will witness a penumbral lunar eclipse.  The following comes from Wikipedia


A penumbral lunar eclipse will take place on Monday, March 25, 2024. It will be visible to the naked eye as 95.57% of the Moon will be immersed in Earth’s penumbral shadow.

Since so much attention has been focused on the Great American Eclipse of 2024 on April 8th, this other eclipse has kind of snuck up on us.

Apparently, much of the planet will be able to view this lunar eclipse

It will be fully visible from most of the Americas, will be seen rising over Australia and eastern Asia, and setting over western parts of Africa and Europe.

Interestingly, this will also be a “blood moon” eclipse, and so to many people the moon will appear to have a reddish color

In the upcoming lunar eclipse, the Earth’s shadow will block out 97% of the moon’s surface. This eclipse will be a “blood moon,” the result of atmospheric conditions that give the moon a reddish tint rather than black when it moves into the shadow. The red color comes from some of the sunlight passing through Earth’s atmosphere where it gets bent and colors like blue and green are filtered out, leaving behind longer wavelengths like the color red.

On top of everything else, this “blood moon” eclipse also coincides with Purim.

The first day of Purim goes from sundown on March 23rd to sundown on March 24th.

The second day of Purim goes from sundown on March 24th to sundown on March 25th.

So this is going to be a “blood moon Purim eclipse”, and Pastor Mark Biltz believes that it is quite appropriate that the moon will be eclipsed on Purim…

The first lunar eclipse on March 25 will coincide with the Jewish holiday of Purim. Biltz noted that it was fitting that the moon should be eclipsed on Purim, as Esther literally means “hidden.”

There is another connection with Purim that I didn’t learn about until today.

According to the Supernatural By Design YouTube Channel, the dates that eclipses occur in 2024 align almost perfectly with the dates that eclipses occurred in 480 BC…

The individual behind the Supernatural By Design YouTube Channel seems to think that the most important events in the Book of Esther took place in 480 BC.

I am not sure if that is true or not.

It is generally accepted that the events in the Book of Esther took place between 483 BC and 473 BC.

So it is entirely possible that the showdown with Haman happened in 480 BC.

In his video, he tries to make a number of other connections between what is happening in our time and what happened in Esther’s time.  I don’t agree with everything that he has to say, but if you want to watch the entire video you can find it right here

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