The Truth About Hamas


by Gary Gindler, American Thinker:

Hamas — the Gaza branch of the Muslim Brotherhood –murdered approximately a thousand people on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur 1973 War.  While Israeli armed forces deal with the attack, the ideological brothers-in-arms of the perpetrators in the West celebrate.  Countless demonstrations have been organized worldwide — from Berlin to Amsterdam to London — to anti-Israeli protests in New York, Washington, D.C. (a pro-Hamas parade in front of the White House), Florida, and many Canadian provinces.


When the Sydney Opera House was illuminated in the Israeli flag colors at night in Australia, hundreds of Hamas supporters gathered to attack the Opera House while chanting, “Gas the Jews!” Hamas celebration rally in New York City arrogantly flashed the Nazi swastika.

Why are there so many Hamas supporters outside the Gaza Strip?  Why did the anti-American group Code Pink endorse Hamas’ butchery of Israelis?  Some are simply anti-Semitic, but anti-Semitism in the West has long been considered not “cool,” and only a few relatively low-profile, marginalized groups practice it openly.  Why do so many misguided souls express thanks for the mass slaughter of music festival attendees in Israel?

Most likely, the answer lies in the unique marriage of convenience between the ideological and religious domains.  Case in point, the New York City pro-Hamas rally was masterminded by the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).  This political party used to have Barack Obama as a member.  DSA has six House members, including Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Jamaal Bowman.  In addition, DSA has numerous officeholders at the state and local levels.

Hamas (an acronym for “Islamic Resistance Movement”) has two Charters (or Covenants).  The first one is dated 1988 and filled with Soviet rhetoric typical of that time.  To be specific, in the familiar Soviet style, Article 15 emphasizes that “imperialistic invasion” “paved the way towards the loss of Palestine” and “imperialism has helped and is still helping the ideological invasion.”  Article 20, echoing Soviet propaganda, proclaims that Jews are a “vicious enemy which acts in a way similar to Nazism.”  Further, in Article 22, Hamas — in the archetypical KGB manner — formally distances itself from the Soviet Union by stating, “The imperialistic forces in the Capitalist West and Communist East support the enemy [i.e., Jews] with all their might.”

Nevertheless, under Soviet pressure, Hamas committed a commonly overlooked apostasy.  Article 12 blatantly asserts, “Resisting and quelling the enemy become the individual duty of every Muslim, male or female.  A woman can go out to fight the enemy without her husband’s permission, as does a slave without his master’s permission.”  That is quite a deviation from the classical Sharia doctrine of women’s subordination.  Also, it implicitly ascertains the existence of slavery in Muslim lands.

Along with Hezb’allah and the PLO, the Soviet communists made Hamas a legitimate Middle East player.  The present third Obama term in the White House continues that tradition.  The internal structure of Hamas’ security apparatus is a carbon copy of the KGB.  Hamas has its highest-elected governing body, the Politburo (like the Soviet Union), hosted in Qatar since 2012.

The international leftist-inspired Hamas concept of Palestine in 1988 contained the categorical negation of Israel.  There are no shades of gray: Hamas, along with many other Islamoleftist organizations, aims to exterminate all Jews in Israel and elsewhere.

The latest 2017 Hamas Charter no longer has Stone Age values on display; there are no more citations from the Quran or Hadith in every Article.  There are no more phrases like “Zionism, together with imperialistic powers.”  The current Hamas Covenant is tailored for the post-Soviet era; it was compiled during Obama’s second term and has unmistakable Woke overtones.  Hamas Covenant style is indistinguishable from the left-wing lawfare lexicon.

The Hamas Covenant no longer explicitly calls for the extermination of Jews.  Instead, they want to “liberate Palestine and confront the Zionist project” (Article 1).  Article 4 uses the Soviet definition of “Palestinians” as exclusively “Palestinian Arabs.”

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