from State Of The Nation:

Christian Russia vs. Zionist Khazaria

SOTN Editor’s Note: The following exposé provides the most relevant historical background for what is transpiring around the world today. For every major move and maneuver now rapidly occurring across the entire global political chessboard is being driven by what the Bloody Brits euphemistically memed ‘The Great Game’.

However, it’s of paramount importance for every truth-seeker to first comprehend what’s really driving the Khazarian Cabal’s transparently desperate and brazen attempt to achieve total world domination.  As follows:

For the uninitiated, the following mind-bending narrative literally represents “the whole megillah”, no pun intended.  It explains the hidden hand behind the assassinations of JFK, RFK and MLK; it explains who really pulled off the 9/11 inside job.  Likewise, the Oklahoma City bombing could only have been carried out and covered up by the FBI in light of this well-concealed history.  How else could the Republic-destroying Federal Reserve Act of 1913 have been illicitly passed?  How in heaven’s name did the U.S. military ever get away with dropping two atomic bombs on Japanese civilian populations and come out of it as a war hero?

More importantly, how else could the real perps have gotten away with the patently fake Covid Plandemic for over 3 years … and then carried out the ongoing Covid jab genocide in broad daylight … and then successfully cover up the unparalleled mass murder during prime time?!   There’s only one way!  Only a highly cohesive and profoundly corrupt criminal clan, which occupies the very peak of the pinnacle of the world power pyramid, could have ever perpetrated and covered up such a global depopulation scheme.  Which means that the stunning COVID CON could only have ever taken place with the immense muscle of the Khazarian Mafia — the mafia that rules all other mafias — as the enforcement arm.

The very telling graphic above — “the whole megillah” — takes on new meaning in light of the highly radioactive exposé posted below.  Talk about high drama and captivating theatrics, drama queens and histrionic virtuosos—no one, but no one, does it like the Khazarian-controlled Czars of Hollywood and Sultans of Silicon Valley.  Only the Khazarian Cabal exerts complete command and control over the CIA’s Mockingbird Media.  Of course, both the Music Industry and Pro Sports have always been their playground from which to socially engineer the masses into a pen of docile compliance … just as their Tavistock Institute and numerous think tanks are forever upgrading their latest mind control programs.

But, really, what is that ultra-secret Khazarian history, which has been carefully hidden from humanity for centuries?  And, what is “the whole megillah” that explains the quite deliberate worldwide campaign of chaos, confusion and conflict raging everywhere today?!  See: THE. WHOLE. MEGILLAH.

State of the Nation
October 28, 2023
N.B. The firm conclusions of the extremely well researched exposé below are not debatable.  The numerous mainstream citations and authoritative references paint a picture that cannot be denied by even the very best Talmudic word merchants and lexicon gymnasts.  But they will try … … … yes, they will try to deny with all their might and chutzpah.
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