It’s not just a meme anymore: The LA Times wants you to try out pod living and the pictures are nightmare fuel


by Harris Rigby, Not The Bee:

I stumbled upon this headline today and had to doublecheck to make sure this wasn’t the Babylon Bee.

This is a real article from the real Los Angeles Times:


Can’t afford California housing? Try living in a tiny sleeping pod. All 4 feet of it

Two young entrepreneurs who themselves struggled to remain housed now run a company that aims to create affordable dwellings in California’s biggest cities.



Yes! Come to California so that you can live in these luxury 4-foot pods next to a bunch of complete strangers!

$700 a month is what a nice Midwest home on a quarter acre used to cost until Bidenomics built everything back better.

The future is here!

“Live in ze pods! Eat ze bugs! You will own nothing and be happy!”

Anyways, that’s all a conspiracy theory. Except that it’s happening in Lefty Utopia, AKA California.

With locations in Palo Alto, San Francisco and Bakersfield, Brownstone Shared Housing has converted two homes and an office space into dwellings for dozens of people, with rents ranging from $500 to $900 per month.

The basic pods are a very cozy 3.5 feet wide and 4 feet tall, just big enough to fit a twin mattress. They feature amenities such as charging stations, LED lights and individual climate control systems.

“Very cozy.”

Now put them side-by-side:


Congrats, you live in stalls like animals.

$500-900 just to have a place to fit a twin mattress and charge your phone! Sounds like California is a great place to live!

San Fran Mayor London Breed seemed… intrigued by the idea in this interview 😂

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Sure, you also get a locker for your stuff. But you also have to share a bathroom and kitchen with 12 other people.

“We have 50 beds between our three properties,” Stallworth said, “and 49 are booked.”

The co-founder said this is just the beginning. “Our goal is to solve the problem,” he said of the housing crisis, “so we’re definitely planning on expanding.”

Oh, I have no doubt they’ll be expanding. The elites think EVERYONE should be sleeping in the pods, selling all their property, and eating bugs with their neighbors.

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