Two More Violent Transsexual Maniacs


from Moonbattery:

In the olden days, attempts were made to protect society from the psychotic. Nowadays, the liberal agenda calls for egging them on in their delusions. Consequently, the list of violent transsexual maniacs (e.g., Maya McKinneySnochia MoseleyAnderson Lee AldrichAudrey HaleMoses LopezWilliam WhitworthShanu Varma, “Lara,” Zion William TeasleyJason Michael Hann) is long and getting longer.


North of Seattle, via MYNorthwest:

A woman who allegedly stabbed a man in Lynnwood apparently kept a journal in which she wrote, “I stabbed my first person in the back … it felt good.”

The media could not get past the second word without lying. The guy who admitted killing 35-year Michael Marks is no woman.

According to charging papers reported by the Everett Herald, Cali Anderson wrote: “So this morning I stabbed my first person in the back, literally stabbed, it felt good and of course, I was smart and left the scene right away, so I don’t know what happened after that.”

“Cali,” already a twice-convicted criminal, afterward claimed it was self-defense.

Anderson was identified in court papers by her [sic] legal name, Christopher Brian Anderson. Her attorneys noted she [sic] was being held in protective custody in jail because she [sic] is transgender.

No doubt he will receive privileged treatment throughout his short stay in the penal system, probably including residence in a woman’s facility, as is the custom in Washington State.

Speaking of male psychopaths getting regal treatment in women’s prisons, let’s slide down the Left Coast to visit Dana Rivers:

transgender triple murderer controversially housed in a women’s prison has been accused of ‘preying on inmates’ while bragging about receiving ‘special treatment’ due to California’s woke incarceration policies.

Dana Rivers, 68, who previously went by David Chester Warfield before transitioning to female, brutally shot and stabbed lesbian couple Charlotte Reed and Patricia Wright, before turning the gun on their 19-year-old adopted son Benny Diambu-Wright in November 2016.

At her [sic] sentencing last month, judge Scott Patton said the killings were ‘the most depraved crime I ever handled in the criminal justice system in 33 years’.

Hold on, judge. Progressives aren’t done progressing.

Decades before her [sic] horrific crime, Rivers was a renowned transgender activist who made national headlines in 1999 after being fired from her [sic] teaching job for transitioning genders, and angering faculty by reportedly discussing ‘sexuality and the importance of gender self-determination’ with students.

Rivers/Warfield should have been placed in a rubber room. Instead, he sued the school and received a $150,000 settlement. Now he is queen of Central California Women’s Facility in Chowchilla.

‘Rivers has been a problem since (she) [sic] rolled in the door,’ one inmate at the facility told the Washington Free Beacon. ‘(She) [sic] is trying to control the women, saying he gets to bypass everything — special treatment.’

Transsexuals get special treatment in the military, why not in prison? After all, the media tells us they are marginalized.

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