The Left Ruins Everything: Now They’re Cancelling Classic Rock


by Chris Queen, PJ Media:

Rock music has always been about tweaking the establishment. From the early rock & roll days, musicians have specialized in sticking it to the man. That’s all well and good when the man is a buttoned-down square with traditional values, but when the woke becomes the establishment — you kids had better turn that music off.

We’ve already seen the left go after authors, films, and TV shows, but that’s not all. Now the wokescolds are going after classic rock music. It all started when Universal Records added Queen’s “Greatest Hits” album to the library for Yoto, a new entertainment platform aimed at a youth audience.


“Queen’s greatest hits are now available!” crows the Yoto website. Only it’s not true because one of Queen’s biggest smashes is missing. Universal left “Fat Bottomed Girls” off the Greatest Hits album on the Yoto platform.

“Fat Bottomed Girls” is an ode to the women of the title, and it has been a staple of classic rock radio for decades. It’s unmistakably Queen, and it’s a lot of fun to harmonize with.

The Daily Mail described “Fat Bottomed Girls” as “a humorous and hard-rocking tribute to a young man’s appreciation of fuller-figured ladies.” The tune hit #11 on the British charts and #24 on the Billboard Hot 100; it also went double-platinum stateside. But it’s too much for the woke folx.

Guitarist Brian May wrote the song specifically for lead singer Freddie Mercury to enjoy. He said in 2008, “‘I wrote it with Fred in mind, as you do, especially if you’ve got a great singer who likes fat bottomed girls… or boys.”

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