Is Another PsyOp Being Waged Upon Americans? Retired US Army Colonel Warns Of No 2024 Election With Washington DC About To Implode And Violence About To Explode All Across The Country


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

While many Americans may not know his name, Colonel Douglas Macgregor is a retired U.S. Army colonel, a government official, author, consultant, and television commentator, who fought in the Gulf War and whose 1997 book Breaking the Phalanx established him as an influential if unconventional theorist of military strategy.

Nominated in 2020 by President Donald Trump to be the US ambassador to Germany, a nomination that was blocked by the United States Senate, Macgregor recently joined Patrick Bet-David on the PBD Podcast as heard in the 1st video at the bottom of this story to discuss what’s now happening in Russia and Ukraine, as well as the ‘woke US military,‘ China and much more, and as this new Zero Hedge story reports of the discussion, one particular segment stood out above all of the rest.


With the discussion turning to the utter implosion of the presidency of ‘joe biden’ and what Patrick Bet-David thought democrats might do in an attempt to ‘save‘ the Democrats, including grooming California’s disastrous governor Gavin Newsome to somehow ‘replace‘ Biden, Macgregor also dropped the following bombshells.:

“I don’t think we’ll ever get to the 2024 election.” 

“I think things are going to implode in Washington before then.” 

And while we’ve heard talk of canceled elections before, and we here at ANP definitely ARE NOT making that ‘prediction,‘ as this Zero Hedge story reports of the discussion, according to Colonel Macgregor, current day events suggest that once DC implodes, “From there it gets more ominous…”

Hinting that America may soon be facing a situation similar to what Ukraine will be facing in the near future, where according to this Yahoo News story titled “Ukraine to hold elections after war ends, says Zelenskyy,” as that story reported, “Elections in Ukraine will be held in 2024 only if martial law is ended by then” according to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who told the BBC in an interview that “according to the Ukrainian constitution, no elections could be held in the country while martial law remains in effect. What a nice way to maintain their dictatorship.

Think the globalists who stole the 2020 election might try the same thing here? As Macgregor points out in that 1st video below, with more and more Americans quickly ‘awakening,’ and things looking more and more ugly for the ‘biden crime cabal‘ while the economic bottom drops out of our nation, none of us should put it past the globalists to carry out one more huge ‘shock and awe op’ to bring about the ‘shock‘ the globalists say is necessary to fully institute their ‘great reset,‘ which is nothing less than a dictatorial ‘new world order, global government’. A transcript of from that interview below.

I don’t think we’ll ever get to the 2024 election. 

I think things are going to implode in Washington before then. 

I think our economic Financial condition is fragile – it’s going to come home to roost in ugly ways. 

Now I will tell you I don’t know exactly how it will happen, but I think we’re going to end up in a situation where we find out the banks are closed for two or three weeks, and nobody can get into them. 

I think we’re going to run into something like that. 

I also think that the levels of violence and criminality in our cities is so high that it’s going to spill over into other places in society

People that normally think they can live remote from the problem are now beginning to be touched by the problem. 

Then I look at this thing in Ukraine. 

I think Ukraine is going to lose catastrophically – it’s going to be a complete collapse and that too is going to have an effect here at home because people are going to say, well, wait a minute everybody told us Ukraine was winning, everybody told us X Y and Z. 

I mean sort of the the Russian hoax on steroids. 

All of those things are going to come together or converge in some way that’s going to prevent us from reaching you know the status quo. Oh. another election… Oh, another set of campaigns… And so forth…

And while to many, a canceled 2024 election here in America might seem totally out of the realm of possibility, we’ll be taking a look in our conclusion to this story below at this must-read June 27th commentary from John and Nisha Whitehead over at the Rutherford Institute titled “A State of Martial Law: America Is a Military Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy,” a commentary which shows us just why a totally canceled 2024 election is quite possible, especially considering how the election of 2020 was stolen from the American people via the democrats/globalists using the COVID bioweapon and psychological warfare upon the American people to allow massive mail in voting fraud.

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