Here Come the AI Regulators – the United Nations


by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Most people are unaware that the agency that was created to regulate the international telegraph has seized authority over the technology of AI when they lack any understanding of the subject. This is the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), and its global regulations are trying to now tackle AI. This is part of the United Nations agency regulating what seems to be expanding from communication technologies to computer programming. This is like a taxi driver assuming he can fly a Boeing 747. They have expanded their jurisdiction from telegraph to televisions, satellites, cellphones, and internet connections. Now they want to regulate AI.


I fail to understand how a non-programmer can even understand this sort of technology. As a programmer, even looking at my own code, I have to get in the right mindset to review it. It is not easy, and you have to insert notes throughout your codes because to develop AI, YOU OFTEN HAVE TO CREATE NEW WAYS EVEN TO DO CODE. I fail to see how anyone who is not a programmer could understand coding. Someone trying to review my code would have a steep learning curve. Coding is also an art form.

Russia and China have been at the forefront of a competing vision for the internet, in which countries have greater control over what their citizens can see online. China is far more advanced in censorship apparatus. Both Russia and China have now come out and warned against this latest move by the United Nation’s ITU and said that they “believe that any attempts to limit their sovereign right to regulate national segments of the internet and ensure their security are unacceptable.”

The ITU hosted its sixth annual AI for Good Global Summit. This brought together policymakers, experts, industry executives, and robots for a two-day discussion of ways in which AI could help and harm humanity. Proposed solutions from the summit included a global registry for AI applications and a global AI observatory. I am opposed to that for the next step will demand a copy of your source code for regulators to review. Sorry, but Socrates will then be turned off.

I was given the contract to manage the platinum holding of Aristotle Onassis. It took months to get approved to be able to trade at huge levels. The first phone call I made to a bank, they already knew the positions I had. Someone in the Commodity Futures Trading Commission leaked that info to select bankers. So much for government ethics.

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