The Reset Riddle


by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • In June 2020, King Charles III, then The Prince of Wales, announced he was launching a “new global initiative, The Great Reset,” along with WEF’s and His Royal Highness’ Sustainable Markets Initiative
  • King Charles’ charitable enterprise spans a “global web of trusts, foundations and funds” intent on creating a control system in which the world’s resources are owned by the richest of the rich, while the rest of the population can be controlled through the allocation of those resources


  • Terms like “social finance” and “impact investing” are used to hide an underlying impact agenda, or impact imperialism, which is present throughout Charles’ empire and will lead to digital serfdom
  • Charles III may continue the imperialistic agenda of his predecessors, “fusing old-style feudalism with modern corporate control to forge a “sustainable” global empire built on digital serfdom and impact vampirism”
  • By becoming educated and exposing wrong-doing, we can move from passive spectators to active resistance, and change the course of the future

Throughout the pandemic and beyond, you’ve likely heard top political figures and Big Tech leaders talking about the opportunity to “reset” and “build back better.” Founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Klaus Schwab is often said to be the mastermind behind this and is credited with circulating the idea of The Great Reset, of which “build back better” is an integral part.

However, there are other nefarious players who may have even more power, namely the newly crowned King Charles III.

“When The Great Reset was officially launched in 2020, it was not done so by Klaus Schwab or Bill Gates, but by Charles, Prince of Wales, then heir-apparent to the British throne,” according to Winter Oak, an independent not-for-profit organization “with a serious aversion to the global mafia’s ‘development’ agenda and a commitment to truth, freedom and social justice.”1

They’ve outlined key details on why King Charles should be on your radar when it comes to the implantation of The Great Reset and Agenda 21 (Agenda for the 21st Century) — the inventory and control plan for all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, construction, means of production, food, energy, information, education and all human beings in the world.

Is King Charles ‘The Great Resetter’?

In June 2020, King Charles, then The Prince of Wales, announced he was launching a “new global initiative, The Great Reset,” along with WEF’s and His Royal Highness’ Sustainable Markets Initiative.2 A tweet from Clarence House stated:3

“#TheGreatReset initiative is designed to ensure businesses and communities ‘build back better’ by putting sustainable business practices at the heart of their operations as they begin to recover from the coronavirus pandemic.”

Winter Oak explained:4

“This may come as a bit of a surprise to those who see Charles as a bumbling but affable figure, who talks to his plants, loves traditional architecture, protects nature and tries to help young people get along in life. But the reality … is that he is the head (or the very willing figurehead) of a vast empire of nefarious financial interests hiding hypocritically behind a facade of charitable philanthropy.”

King Charles’ charitable enterprise spans a “global web of trusts, foundations and funds,” as well as the Business in the Community organization in the U.K. This business-led membership organization if very much aligned with the Great Reset, declaring businesses meet the United Nations’ Global Goals or the Sustainable Development Goals [SDGs].

Sustainability is a key tenet throughout The Great Reset. But while the notion of a “sustainable” pollution-free world is an attractive one, ultimately this isn’t about the environment.

Instead, it’s all about creating a control system in which the world’s resources are owned by the richest of the rich, while the rest of the population can be controlled through the allocation of those resources, including energy.

As Robert Kennedy Jr. noted, “Climate issues and pollution issues are being exploited by the WEF and Bill Gates and all of these mega-billionaires the same way that COVID was exploited — to use it as an excuse to clamp down top-down totalitarian controls.”5 Just like COVID-19 was used to accelerate globalists’ control, war and other societal upheavals also push forward the agenda. As explained in a 2022 Winter Oak article:6

“Under such an economic construct, asset holding conglomerates can redirect the flow of global capital by aligning investments with the UN’s SDGs and configuring them as Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) compliant so that new international markets can be built on the disaster and misery of potentially hundreds of millions of people reeling from the economic collapse caused by war.

Therefore, the war offers a huge impetus for the governments pushing the reset to actively pursue energy independence, shape markets towards ‘green and inclusive growth’ and eventually move populations towards a cap-and-trade system, otherwise known as a carbon credit economy.

This will centralize power in the hands of stakeholder capitalists under the benevolent guise of reinventing capitalism through fairer and greener means, using deceptive slogans like ‘Build Back Better’ without sacrificing the perpetual growth imperative of capitalism.”

A Digital Revolution Is Coming

Business in the Community has also been embracing the digital revolution since at least 2017, much like WEF, which supports the “merging of man and machine,” or transhumanism. Its Fourth Industrial Revolution aims to use wearable and implantable technology to surveil your thoughts and launch a digital dictatorship that, once implemented, will be almost impossible to escape from.7

In 2017, Business in the Community — The Prince’s Responsible Business Network — revealed its report, “A Brave New World? Priorities and Actions for an Inclusive Digital Revolution,”8 which “features all the familiar Great Reset ‘priorities.’” The Prince’s Trust Group has been expanding this agenda across the Commonwealth, which was formerly known as the British Empire. Winter Oak reports:9

“It looks ahead to a Fourth Industrial Revolution (“Anticipate automation. Create new roles, where technology complements humans, and support communities to manage the transition”) with bigger profit margins naturally being its aim (“Transition to new business models that cut waste and increase asset productivity”).

There is an early mention of the “track and trace” phrase which became so familiar during the lockdowns (“Track, trace and resolve”) with a plug for Blockverify, “a London-based start-up that uses technology to track, record, and verify products in a way that is permanently logged in the blockchain … Blockverify has been piloting solutions with pharmaceutical and beauty companies.”

The report promotes smart agriculture in the form of Unilever’s Marcatus Mobile Education Platform, “a collaboration between Unilever, Oxfam and Ford Foundation to train smallholder farmers in rural areas” which aims for “additional farm revenues of £1.5 trillion by 2030.” It concludes by giving “thanks to our corporate partners, Barclays and Fujitsu, for supporting our programme of work to create an inclusive digital revolution.””

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