Chris Christie Endorses Sex Change Surgery for Children


from Moonbattery:

All you need to know about Democrats is that they are willing to subject children to horrific surgical procedures, mutilating their bodies and deranging their minds so as to permanently recruit them into the depraved LGBT community. If sanity prevails, one day there will be Nuremberg style trials to punish this crime against humanity. All you need to know about Chris Christie is that he sides with Democrats:


The Republican presidential candidate told CNN’s Jake Tapper during his Sunday appearance on “State of the Nation” that he doesn’t think “the government should ever be stepping into the place of the parents in helping to move their children through a process where those children are confused or concerned about their gender.”

That translates to a green light for unprincipled medical professionals who are making a fortune off a sick fad by inflicting sex change surgery on children.

Christie holds that the horrors leftist parents may be persuaded to inflict on their kids in the name of transgenderism should not be “excluded by the government in any way.”

However, he signed legislation to ban counseling that would allow parents to help their kids overcome perverse sexual urges. Parental rights only work one way with libs like Christie.

Given liberalism’s trajectory toward the blackest depths of malevolent insanity, woke parents may soon virtue signal by serving up their children for dinner so that the rug rats will stop producing carbon emissions. No doubt Christie will respond with thumbs up.

Christie has pandered to the LBGT militants before:

Rebuffing the warnings of groups like the NJ Family Policy Council, Christie ratified Democrat legislation (S-3067/A-465) in 2017, barring public school districts from requiring transvestic students to use bathrooms or locker rooms corresponding with their biological sex.

As the result of this law, schools in the state are required to allow students to dress in accordance with their “gender identity,” keep parents in the dark about a student’s “transgender or transition status,” and allow students to participate in gym sports with members of the opposite sex.

Gender ideology is destroying young lives. But Christie thinks it may help him politically.

On tips from Bluto and MrRightWingDave.

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