It would be healthier and safer for humanity to sign an agreement with the Columbian drug cartel than with WHO, says MEP


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

The third International Covid Summit was held at the European Parliament last week, on 3 May.  The Members of the European Parliament (“MEPs”) who attended said it was a historic event.

The Summit covered all aspects of the pandemic.  It also covered the documentation of the increasing power grab by the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) and increased control by organised global entities.


The day after the Summit, Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Byram Bridle participated in a press conference held by eight MEPs, some of whom helped organise the Summit. The purpose of the press conference was to summarise the highlights of the previous day.

MEP Christine Anderson (Germany) concluded her brief remarks with: “We will continue to be the dissenting voice. And we will do whatever it takes to bring down the globalitarian elites.”

MEP Mislav Kolakušić (Croatia) said: “The World Health Organisation wants all countries to sign an agreement on handing over the authority to declare a pandemic, procure vaccines and drugs. It will be healthier and safer for humanity to sign an agreement with the Colombian drug cartel.”

MEPs, Dr. Robert Malone & Byram Bridle – press conference after the International Covid Summit III, (23 mins)

In an article yesterday, Dr. Tess Lawrie noted: “There was robust attendance from members of the alternative media, but unsurprisingly legacy press, radio and television (Tell-Lie-Vision?) were nowhere to be seen.” But “the message is getting out despite the intense censorship.”  As an aside, Dr. Lawrie’s article is a must-read as it is a good summary of various events taking place across the world that have been organised by those who want the truth to be known.

Below is a list of the speakers who participated and where possible a brief description of their presentation to the European Parliament last week. You can watch the full Summit, divided into three videos, on International Covid Summit’s Rumble channel HERE. MEP Cristian Terhes (Romania) has also uploaded videos of the Summit on his YouTube channel HERE. That the spike protein is a toxin was emphasised repeatedly throughout the conference.

  • Dr. David Martin warned about the risks of allowing the licensure or the patenting of genetic organisms and the proceeding of gain of function research.
  • Nick Hudson from Pandemics Data & Analytics (“Panda”) discussed the false narratives dominating world discussion and press over the last three years.
  • Dr. Ciro Isidoro demonstrated that covid is not a novel disease, it’s an old disease, and emphasised that you can’t find the cause of death if you do not perform autopsies.
  • Dr. Giovanni Meledandri spoke about the evolution of coronavirus, which demonstrates a pattern of a lessening of the disease and the selection of vaccine-resistant mutants.
  • Dr. Stramezzi emphasised the importance of early responses in Italy, and most importantly that it was known in June 2020 that covid was a treatable disease.
  • Dr. Luis Fouche described the effects of mandates and early treatment.  He particularly focused on masks and associated data.
  • Professor Dr. Phillipe Brouqui gave his analysis of using hydroxychloroquine to treat covid.
  • Dr. Pierre Kory spoke at length about Ivermectin and about how the whole enterprise of the pharmaceutical industry and the academic publishing industry has been compromised throughout this covid era.
  • Jason Christoff gave a speech on how the media and information warfare technology has been weaponised and deployed against us. He concluded that crimes were committed, and psychology and psychological technology (including “Nudge” technology) was weaponised against the public.
  • Dr. Harvey Risch gave examples of the problems with the manipulation of data on the efficacy of “vaccines.”
  • Dr. Byron Bridle
  • MEP Francesca Donato (Italy) summarised the morning’s session and spoke about the importance of truth, democracy, and freedom.

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