Saturday, January 18, 2025

Tag: The Asinine Insanity of the ‘Climate Change’/C02 Hoax: Kill the Cows To Save the Earth!

The Asinine Insanity of the ‘Climate Change’/C02 Hoax: Kill the Cows To Save the Earth!


by Gary D. Barnett, Lew Rockwell:


Experts Agree: Not only is the sky falling but we’re all going to die from global warming. SUVs are a major culprit, and have been contributing to rising sea levels according to climate expert, Chicken Little. Colleague, Algore, speaking during a blizzard, agreed with Little.”

The Daily Alarmist

I must preface my comments here with sane logic, so as to ward off the absurd idiots who have bought hook, line, and sinker, the madness of the mainstream media, the political class, the non-science ‘scientists,’ the fake environmental whackos, the evil UN, the illegitimate IPCC, and the staged marketing of the ever-pathetic rantings of the once teenage bimbo ignoramus, Greta Thunberg, about man’s normal activity destroying the ‘planet.’ It is just not so!