by Kevin Barrett, The Unz Review:
From the explosive COVID Origins congressional hearings, to the US government’s claim that Russian agents defecate in American officials’s luggage, this week’s False Flag Weekly News covered the proverbial waterfront.
We started with the COVID panel, not the Russian turds, for obvious reasons. The fact that COVID is an engineered bioweapon, not a naturally-occurring virus, is arguably more important than tales of Russian agents dropping dirty bombs in their American counterparts’ suitcases. To put it bluntly, the March 2020 conspiracy to hoodwink the world by elevating the natural origin theory to the status of religious dogma, while silencing those who sought and spoke the truth, constitutes obstruction of justice in the first degree. (Obstruction of justice isn’t normally a hanging matter, but this case, involving as it does the murder of tens of millions of people, is arguably an exception.)