Monday, March 3, 2025

Tag: Banking Freefall

Nuke Drills, Banking Freefall, And Continued Rising Food Prices & Shortages All Have One Commonality: The Need To Be Prepared At A Moment’s Notice For Total Chaos And ‘The Unthinkable’


by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

Over the past week I have noted a number of unrelated stories, all of which hold serious ramifications for Americans, and all of which do have one major commonality: The need to be prepared, at a minutes notice, for complete chaos.

• Charts found at ZeroHedge show that despite the the claims from both the Biden regime and the MSM playing the White House’s propaganda arm, regional banks are in a “freefall.”

A couple charts are shown below, but readers should look at them all to see the severity of the issue.