Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Let’s Pay Attention To The Experts Who Challenged The COVID Narrative


    by Thomas T. Siler, Jr., MD, American Thinker:

    Even from the start of the mRNA vaccine rollout, a small number of physicians were sounding an alarm about the dangers of Operation Warp Speed and the safety protocols that the mRNA vaccine development bypassed. Near the end of year three of dealing with COVID-19, much more is known about the efficacy of the new mRNA vaccines and their safety profile. This post sums up the information and concerns that multiple physicians have offered, all leading to one conclusion: the vaccine program needs to be stopped due to both safety concerns and lack of efficacy.

    VIDEO: WEEK in REVIEW, Amazing TAKEDOWNS, LUNA attacked by MSM, And We Know! PRAY!


      from And We Know:

      TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

      Higher Excess Deaths Clearly Linked to Higher Vaccination Rates in England, New Analysis Shows


        by Will Jones, Daily Sceptic:

        The more vaccine doses an area of England has received, the greater the number of excess deaths it has experienced, an analysis of official data has found – adding to worries that the novel Covid vaccines are contributing to the sharp rise in excess deaths seen since mid-2021.

        The analysis looked at excess death rates and vaccination rates for all 300-plus lower tier administrative areas in England. It used the pre-pandemic five-year average (2015-19) as a baseline and controlled for confounding factors such as age and deprivation by comparing the findings in the vaccination era to those in the first Covid wave, before vaccines were available (Figure 1).

        Mother Furious After School Counselor Gave 13-Year-Old Daughter Chest Binder & Urged Not To Tell Parents


          from InfoWars:

          ‘This is happening everywhere: One day this girl is declaring she’s a boy, and a week later she’s deciding she’s not,” the mom said.

          Amber Lavigne of Maine told the National Review in a report published Friday that a school counselor secretly provided a “chest binder” to her 13-year-old daughter and encouraged the child to hide the fact she was wearing the device from her parents.



            from Dr. Jane Ruby:

            TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

            EXCLUSIVE: ‘SOROS’ And Senator Obama Funding Records Discovered For Ukraine BioLab That Sparked BioTerrorism Fears


              by Patrick Howley, National File:

              A notorious Ukraine biolab revealed that it received funding from the “SOROS Foundation” in a company document obtained by NATIONAL FILE. The Mechnikov Anti-Plague Research Institute in Odessa, Ukraine is located at the spot of an old secretive Soviet biological weapons plant. The Institute is now under the banner of the Ukraine Ministry of Health. Then-senator Barack Obama also announced a deal in 2005 to fund the Institute, according to records. The Institute handles deadly microbes and also works on developing vaccines, and it has sparked concern that it could be used to supply bioterrorism in the region.

              UKRAINE TO ATTACK CRIMEA! – Massive Move Towards WW3 As Ukraine Uses British Missiles!


                from World Alternative Media:

                TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/



                from The Salty Cracker:

                TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

                China is replacing its US Treasury holdings with GOLD


                  by Arsenio Toledo, Natural News:

                  China is accelerating its selling of United States Treasury securities and replacing its holdings with more gold.

                  Since 2008, the communist nation has been one of the largest foreign holders of U.S. Treasuries. It started selling off its U.S. Treasuries slowly in 2018, right around the same time when the country started buying more gold.

                  The reason for the accelerated sell-off has not been disclosed. But it should be noted that China has had a strong incentive to diversify its foreign reserves away from American-held goods ever since the U.S. sanctioned Russia’s dollar holdings. (Related: Global DE-DOLLARIZATION is on the way as world’s central banks buy gold at fastest pace in 55 years.)

                  Global Debt & Death Spiral – John Rubino


                    by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

                    Analyst and financial writer John Rubino says we’re are in a “debt and death spiral” that will force dramatic changes on the world.  Rubino explains, “The debt spiral part of this means things from here continue to get worse and worse for the big currencies of the world until they die.  In other words, until people lose faith in them, refuse to use them and hold them anymore until their value falls to their intrinsic value, which is zero. That manifests to hyperinflation.  The value of the currency falls as opposed to the things you buy with it. . . . Things feel basically okay for a long time as long as governments could force interest rates down to really low levels.  The side effects of that are massive money creation and, eventually, inflation.  That’s what we are dealing with now.  So, here we go.  Welcome to the end game for the world’s big currencies.”

                    With 1960’s Counterculture Becoming The Leaders Of Today’s ‘Woke’ Generations, They’re Ramping Up The Left’s ‘War Upon Peace,’ Causing Massive Death And Destruction Worldwide


                      by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:

                      Just over 50 years ago we ended our war – well, actually the war mongers of our nation’s war – in Viet Nam with the “Peace with Honor” speech of Richard M. Nixon.  January 23, 1973 was the date, and five months before the fiftieth anniversary of that withdrawal, on August 31st 2022 in his attempt to beat the 9-11 day of infamy anniversary Joey Biden abruptly and disastrously pulled us out of Afghanistan like a love sick jackrabbit jumping out of the hasenpfeffer stew pot.   Although the final exit in Viet Nam was not very pretty, the complete and total fiasco of Biden’s attempt to show us that he is cooler than Trump by beating the deadline Trump set is of such an abysmal nature that the honor of getting out of that war is totally marred by the gross incompetence born in that pullout.  There was no honor, no grace, no laudable actions as in Nixon’s withdrawal or even Obama’s’ wretched abortion of a withdrawal from Iraq eleven years earlier.

                      What Does The Strange UFO-Shaped Cloud, Blue Lighting, And The HAARP Weather Manipulation Program Have To Do With The Earthquake In Turkey And Syria?


                        by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

                        The once-in-a-century earthquake in Turkey and Syria was preceded by a strange UFO-shaped cloud and unusual lighting causing many to wonder if HAARP was behind it?

                        For those of you who don’t know, HAARP is a weather manipulation program started by the United States government in Alaska, and stands for High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program. The official site for HAARP says ‘HAARP is the world’s most capable high-power, high-frequency transmitter for study of the ionosphere. The HAARP program is committed to developing a world-class ionospheric research facility consisting of: the Ionospheric Research Instrument, a high power transmitter facility operating in the High Frequency range. And a sophisticated suite of scientific or diagnostic instruments that can be used to observe the physical processes that occur in the excited region.’ Hmm.



                          by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

                          If you’re a regular reader of this website, you already know that one of the stories we’ve been tracking over the past few years is the growing movement among the several states to push back against the vipers’ nest in Swampington DC which has in recent years become nothing more than the local center of a vast family grift and influence pedaling operation. This push back is coming increasingly in many forms, including the recent nullification laws passed in various state legislatures. But the movement which has most captured our attention on this website is the growing movement among states to pass resolutions recognizing “constitutional money” as legitimate and legal tender, i.e., to recognize bullion as a form of money.

                          THEY DID WHAT CHINA WANTED: Biden’s Energy Secretary Met With Far-Left, China-Connected “Green Energy” Group Before Pushing To Ban American Gas Stoves


                            by Cullen Linebarger, The Gateway Pundit:

                            The Biden Regime last month created a national uproar when they pushed to ban gas stoves across America before later backtracking. They and their media allies then accused their opponents of unwarranted hysteria.

                            But today we know the Regime put their plan in motion several months prior and there is a China connection involved.



                              from The Highwire with Del Bigtree:

                              TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/