Saturday, August 31, 2024



    from MintPress News:

    On Jan. 11, Israel’s new minister of strategic affairs, Ron Dermer, named Facebook senior employee, Jordana Cutler, as the ministry’s director general. The ministry is notorious for combatting the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement and promoting a positive image of Israel abroad. Yet with Cutler’s biography and Facebook’s history of censoring Palestinian content, experts and activists are sounding the alarm over the appointment.

    Gold Up 18% in Three Months – Will It Continue?


      from Birch Gold Group:

      From Peter Reagan at Birch Gold Group

      This week, Your News to Know rounds up the latest top stories involving gold and the overall economy. Stories include: Nobody seems to agree on where gold is going, LBMA’s data on precious metals averages last year, and what is the U.S. economic outlook really like?



        from FalconsCAFE:

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        Derrick Broze – Embracing Agora 2030 and the Autonomous Development Goals


          by Derrick Broze, Activist Post:

          On January 20, 2023, Derrick Broze spoke at The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation on Day 3: Agorism and Parallel Networks.

          Derrick Broze is an author, journalist, documentary filmmaker, and activist originally from Houston, now based in Mexico. In 2010 Derrick founded the activist alliance The Houston Free Thinkers, organizing protests, music festivals, community gardens, skillshares, and other community events. Derrick has been producing videos, essays, and articles since 2011, as well as co-hosting Live Free, Think Free, on 90.1 KPFT in Houston. In 2013, he founded The Conscious Resistance Network, a site dedicated to multimedia journalism that exposes corporate and governmental corruption while also highlighting solutions and exploring spirituality.

          How the Khazarian Cabal has effectively controlled Ashkenazi Jewry so it can rule planet Earth.


            from State Of The Nation:

            My Theory of Everything as it relates to Genesis and contemporary Zionists and Jews – Part 2

            Part Two: Genetic Manipulation and Hybridization

            A huge part of the Grand Experiment is genetic manipulation. God-Source condoned genetic manipulation and hybridization, which has been ongoing for many years, and the U.S. military knows this, because they took part in it.

            It has been proposed, and fairly accepted by contemporary metaphysicians, paranormal researchers, as well as many of the Truthers and Patriots (who inevitably discover the secret space program and the UFO “Truth Embargo”), that Hu-mans are alien hybrids to begin with – a combination of other races such as the Lyrans and Pleiadeans.



              from Jim Crenshaw:

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              China Preps For War: Spy Balloon Belies Much Larger Economic Warning Signs


                by Quoth the Raven, QTR’s Fringe Finance:

                The spy balloon is an easily digestible situation that should make it clear for most of the U.S. that China is not our friend – but what’s been going on economically should be even more concerning.

                By now you probably know the Chinese spy balloon that, for some reason, was allowed to traverse the entire United States despite us knowing about it days ago, has been shot down.

                Put simply, it was too little, too late for several reasons – and there’s been shuffling, specifically economically, by China over the last 10 years that shows the country’s aggression toward the U.S. could only be getting started.

                GMO-using Fake Meat Company Impossible Foods’ EU Patent Revoked


                  by Claire Robinson, Global Research:

                  The European Patent Office (EPO) has revoked an EU patent held by Impossible Foods, maker of the Impossible Burger. In the US, Impossible’s fake meat products are manufactured with GMO yeast-derived soy leghemoglobin, a controversial ingredient that makes the fake meat look as if it’s bleeding, like undercooked real meat, and that we have argued may not be safe to eat.

                  Following the EPO’s decision, another fake meat company, Motif FoodWorks, has filed a suite of new petitions with the US Patent and Trademark Office challenging US patents held by Impossible Foods over the use of heme proteins (such as that present in soy leghemoglobin) in meat alternatives, as it defends itself against Impossible’s accusations of patent infringement, according to Food Navigator USA.

                  THE AWAKENING PSYOP – Vax Deaths Are Being Exposed – Media ADMITS Mass Death! – What Comes NEXT?


                    from World Alternative Media:

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                    Videos: Disney Cartoon Declares U.S. “Built on Slavery” Pushes ‘Reparations’ Propaganda


                      by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

                      “We, the descendants of slaves in America, have earned reparations…and continue to earn reparations every moment we spend submerged in the systemic prejudice, racism, and white supremacy that America was founded with and still has not atoned for.”

                      Britain’s Tate Museum Has Become an Evil White Man Hall of Shame


                        by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

                        Sherelle Jacobs writing in the UK Telegraph reports that the Tate Museum has turned anti-white like American museums such as the Art Institute of Chicago that Heather Mac Donald recently wrote about ( ).  Portraits of the men who built the British Empire have been re-labelled detailing their racist sins ( ).

                        Fake meat firms collapsing due to lower sales, anti-woke backlash


                          by Ramon Tomey, Natural News:

                          Companies behind lab-cultured meat are now collapsing due to lower sales, mainly driven by a strong backlash against wokeism linked to the product.

                          A Feb. 1, 2023 op-ed by the Raw Egg Nationalist (REN) elaborated on the downsizing. He zeroed in on the issues of two fake meat companies – Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat – in his article.

                          Impossible Foods recently laid off 20 percent of its workforce, the third such wave of firings at the Redwood City, California-based company.

                          Cut the Price by 20% and They Will Come: Homebuilder Meritage Explains New Era after Sales Orders Collapse by 46%


                            by Wolf Richter, Wolf Street:

                            Cutting construction costs by “aggressively rebidding” projects, and “walking away” from land deals: executives in their own words.

                            Meritage Homes, which specializes in building entry-level houses, reported Q4 earnings on Thursday. In terms of revenues and income, they’ve been working through their backlog.

                            But sales order volume collapsed by 46% in Q4 year-over-year, to just 1,808 houses. Sales order volume in terms of dollars collapsed by 52%, to $704 million.

                            THEY ARE SPYING ON YOU | Whistleblower Exposes ‘Ministry Of Truth’ with Silkie Carlo


                              from Russell Brand:

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