Friday, July 26, 2024



    from Infowars:

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    Uncovering the Truth: Examining the Fatal Link between COVID Vaccines and a new form of AIDS


      by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

      It’s a common misconception that AIDS is only caused by the HIV virus or that they are even one and the same.

      In fact, AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is just the name used to describe a number of potentially life-threatening infections and illnesses that happen when your immune system has been severely damaged.

      People with acquired immune deficiency syndrome have an increased risk of developing certain cancers and serious infections that usually occur only in individuals with a weak immune system, or would otherwise be mild in those with a healthy, working immune system.

      In 2023 the Lazy Analyst Won’t Keep Up With Geopolitics


        by Tom Luongo, Tom Luongo:

        Before I took on my current persona as either a “Putin Stooge,” a “shill for the Fed,” or a naïve apologist for neoliberalism, I used to be a chemist specializing in process efficiency and root cause analysis.

        While I learned many things during those twenty-plus years, the most startling conclusion I came to was that laziness has a real place in process improvement.

        If you really want some industrial or bureaucratic process streamlined, give that job to the guy who most hates having his time wasted. He will invariably find a way to make that ‘work’ into something he only has to do sparingly.

        Evil People Applauding Evil People For An Evil Agenda


          from The New American:

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          NEW – Ukraine’s Zelenskyy says his government is preparing to participate in Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum in Davos next month.


            Wake Up America: The End Of Free Elections Is In Sight!


              by Joe Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

              Wake Up America: The End Of Free Elections Is In Sight!

              Guest post by Jay Valentine

              This week, Leftists and RINOs admitted, under oath, they changed the print settings, on election morning, so Republican votes would not be tabulated, on the one day most Republicans vote – and the Maricopa County judge said “…it wasn’t intentional.”

              Supreme Court to Take Up Trump-Backed Florida Social Media Censorship Appeal Next Week


                from The Epoch Times:

                The Supreme Court is scheduled next week to look at a case from Florida in which the state, 16 other states, and former President Donald Trump are urging the court to consider whether states have the power to regulate how social media companies moderate content on their platforms.

                The case is in the public eye because it pits the right of individual Americans to freely express themselves online against the right of social media platforms to make editorial decisions about the content they host. Lawyers say both rights are protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, so the Supreme Court needs to weigh in to resolve the conflict.

                Elon Musk Claims Old Twitter Had A ‘Fauci Fan Club’ Slack Channel


                  by Virginia Kruta, Daily Wire:

                  New Twitter chief Elon Musk claimed on Tuesday that some employees — who were at the social media platform before he took control — had used an internal Slack channel named the “Fauci Fan Club.”

                  Musk shared the information as part of a conversation with entrepreneur Marc Andreessen, who kicked things off by comparing a response from the AI chatbotGPT to a question about Dr. Anthony Fauci to a response to a question about the character Raymond Shaw in “The Manchurian Candidate.”

                  Pfizer’s Shots Aren’t Safe and Were Never Shown To Be


                    by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

                    STORY AT-A-GLANCE
                    • Dr. Kathryn Edwards, a member of Pfizer’s data safety monitoring board (DSMB), was previously a paid adviser to Pfizer. DSMBs are supposed to be independent, and aren’t if members have previous relationships with the company
                    • German autopsies found “highly unusual tissue inflammation” in people who died shortly after getting the jab, and investigators suspect the inflammation observed would be fatal. They also found spike protein in the tissues of the deceased, but not another key part of SARS-CoV-2. This suggests the actual virus was not part of the problem; the only possible source of the spike protein was the jab

                    THEY’RE CHANGING THEIR TUNE! – MSM Vax Propagandists Come Out AGAINST THE SHOTS!


                      from World Alternative Media:

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                      Interesting on Many Levels, Mom Blocked from Taking Daughter to Radio City Music Hall Event as Result of Facial Recognition and Blacklist


                        from The Conservative Treehouse:

                        Obviously, New York City contains one of the most widespread surveillance networks as a result of DHS funding and security ‘threats’.  However, the use of facial recognition software as a security feature is not as well known in the U.S. as it has been described in China.

                        A mom was taking her daughter to a show at Radio City Music Hall when she was pulled aside by security and told she would not be permitted admission.  The lady works for a law firm currently in litigation with the venue’s parent company, Madison Square Garden Entertainment.  All employees of the law firm are blacklisted.

                        Elon Musk Drops Bomb on Big Tech, Claims This Woke Company “Makes Links Disappear”


                          from The American Tribune:

                          Glenn Greenwald dropped the latest updated in the Twitter Files saga on Tuesday night, showing Americans that Twitter was far from the only Big Tech company or social media service in on working with the US government and agencies within it to censor dissidents.

                          Posting about that in a Twitter files thread, Greenwald said “For the crime of reporting that the US Security State agencies are heavily involved in Big Tech’s censorship regime, and for confessing that he found this deeply disturbing, liberals have spent a full week saying that @mtaibbi has mental health problems and needs therapy.

                          UN Seeks to Delete ‘Human Rights’ from World Health Regime


                            from Conversations That Matter:

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                            Keeping up with the WEF


                              by Robert Malone, Who is Robert Malone:

                              Davos 2023 in Jan: “Cooperation in a Fragmented World”

                              Get your tickets now (snark) for DAVOS 2023, held January 16-20, 2023. The event is fast approaching!

                              The topic for this year’s event:

                              Evil’s Afoot: Scientific Slaughter Of Millions By Well Oiled Killing Machine, Hidden MRNA Sequence?!


                                from Tim Truth:

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