Sunday, June 16, 2024



    from NIGHTBREED:

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    Investor Purchases of Single-Family Houses Plunged 32% in Q3, Plummeting the Most in “Pandemic Boomtowns”


      by Wolf Richter, Wolf Street:

      “The prospect of substantial home-price declines puts them at risk of losing money.” 

      Investor purchases of single-family houses plunged by 32.3% in Q3 compared to the same period last year, according to Redfin, based on county records in the 40 most populous metropolitan areas. Beyond the lockdown Q2 2020, this was the steepest percentage plunge since the Housing Bust.

      A Humiliating About Face By The Hack Media (Ep. 1901) – The Dan Bongino Show


        from The Dan Bongino Show:

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        Official Government Reports suggest COVID Vaccination may have caused shocking 19k Excess Deaths in Australia between January & July 2022


          by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

          Official figures published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics confirm that Australia suffered nearly 19,000 excess deaths between January and July in 2022. Unfortunately, official statistics strongly suggest Covid-19 vaccination is to blame.

          The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an intergovernmental organisation with 38 member countries founded in 1961 to stimulate economic progress and world trade. And for some reason, theY host a wealth of data on excess deaths throughout 2022. You can find that data for yourself here.

          Credit Suisse Craters To Record Low After Revealing Staggering $88 Billion Bank Run


            from ZeroHedge:

            One month ago, weeks before the crypto sector was shaken by the crushing FTX bankrun which led to a quick and painful bankruptcy, and revealed that one of the world’s biggest crypto exchanges and its “JPMorgan-esque” owner were nothing but hollow shells of fraud, another bank was suffering from a far bigger bank run.

            Medical Whistleblowers VS Covid-19 Hype: Books Cooked & Scripted News = FRAUD


              from Tim Truth:

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              Massachusetts Death Certificates Show Excess Mortality Could Be Linked to COVID Vaccines


                by Madhava Setty, M.D., Childrens Health Defense:

                After analyzing more than seven years of Massachusetts death certificates, independent investigator John Beaudoin, Sr., uncovered evidence that thousands of deaths in 2021 may have been linked to COVID-19 vaccines.

                In this article, I highlight the work of independent investigator John Beaudoin, Sr., who analyzed nearly seven years of Massachusetts death certificates he obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

                Foreboding Signals Amid Discovery the FBI Can Launch Pegasus Cell Phone Targeting With Appointment of Special Counsel


                  from The Conservative Treehouse:

                  If you read the article about the “Pegasus Project”, spyware created to infect cell phones that was marketed by Israeli intelligence through a company called NSO {Go Deep Here}, then you essentially know the background.  Pegasus is “no click” targeting spyware that can be deployed against cellular phones, simply by inputting the phone number and transmitting to it.

                  ‘Passion of the Christ’ Star Claims Hollywood Elite Are Trafficking Children For Adrenochrome


                    from The People’s Voice:

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                    Abp. Viganò: The COVID pandemic farce served as a trial balloon for the New World Order


                      by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, LifeSite News:

                      ‘There can be no neutrality, because when there is a clash between two armies, those who choose not to fight are also making a choice that affects the outcome of the battle.’

                      Dear and distinguished friends,

                      Allow me first of all to thank Doctor Stephen Frost for the invitation he has extended to me to speak to you. Along with Doctor Frost I also thank all of you: your commitment to fighting the psychopandemic propaganda is commendable. I am well aware of the difficulties you have had to face in order to remain consistent with your principles, and I hope that the damage you have suffered can be adequately repaired by those who have discriminated against you, depriving you of work and salary and labeling you as dangerous no-vaxxers.

                      Report on What Democrats Are Doing to US Military


                        from Moonbattery:

                        At last a little light is shining on the social engineers who have been using wokeness to debilitate American armed forces. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) have issued a report finding that indoctrinating the US military with Critical Race Theory and LGBT ideology has significantly weakened it:

                        The report finds that instructors at military academies use “antiracist” approaches to education that direct soldiers to center their understanding of American society on an acknowledgment of its racist past and present, the report said.



                          from X22report:

                          TRUTH LIVES on at

                          NEW – Klaus Schwab says China is a “role model for many countries” and proclaims a “systemic transformation of the world” on Chinese state television


                          Video: Biden COVID Minion Tells Americans “God Gave Us Two Arms” For Multiple Vaccines


                            by Steve Watson, Summit News:

                            “Get one in each arm if you want”

                            Joe Biden’s COVID ‘czar’ declared Tuesday during a White House press briefing that “God gave you two arms” so we can all be injected with different vaccines.

                            Dr. Ashish Jha made the statement while simultaneously pushing COVID booster shots and flu shots as if they are the same thing.

                            “Get one in each arm if you want,” Jha proclaimed.