Saturday, July 27, 2024



Red states Texas, Florida crush blue New York, California and Illinois when it comes to 2022 population growth


    by Ted Dabrowski and John Klingner, Wirepoints:

    The difference couldn’t be more stark between the biggest states in the nation.

    The red states of Texas and Florida grew their populations by more than 400,000 in 2022. Their pro-growth, pro-businesspro-taxpayer policies remain a magnet for both Americans and foreigners alike. In contrast, blue states New York, California and Illinois each had their populations fall by 100,000 or more in 2022. Americans continue to flee those same three states, year after year.



      from Infowars:

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      The “Mega-Bubbles” Have Started To Burst, And That Could Mean Unprecedented Financial Chaos Is Ahead


        by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

        The Federal Reserve giveth, and the Federal Reserve taketh away.  In a desperate attempt to help the U.S. economy recover from the horrific economic crisis of 2008 and 2009, the Federal Reserve pushed interest rates all the way to the floor and kept them at or near the floor until 2022.  During that same time period, the Fed also created trillions of dollars out of thin air and pumped it into the financial system.  All of this new money had to go somewhere, and it created colossal financial bubbles that were unlike anything we had ever seen before.  There were a few voices that were warning that all of this foolishness would end very badly, but those voices were mostly drowned out by those that were super happy that asset values were absolutely exploding.  The Fed had essentially created the ultimate “get rich quick scheme”, and countless Americans were more than happy to take advantage of it.

        NYC Mayor Declares “Big Brother is Protecting You”


          by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

          New Yorkers will learn to love their surveillance overlords.

          New York City Mayor Eric Adams responded to criticism over increasing the use of facial recognition technology by declaring, “Big Brother is protecting you!”

          Adams made the comments in response to elected officials who expressed concerns that using such technology could lead to an all-pervasive surveillance state.



            from HealthImpactNews:

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            Study shows mRNA COVID vaccine damages heart muscle cells, leading to DEATH


              by S.D. Wells, Natural News:

              peer-reviewed study published by a group of leading German pathologists showed that autopsy findings in people who died unexpectedly within 20 days of getting injected with mRNA Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine showed clear indication of myocardiocyte destruction, or damaged heart muscle cells. There are clearly visible lymphocytes that are not supposed to be there.

              The analysis, accompanied by specific diagrams, leaves very little doubt that those were cases of vaccine-induced myocarditis. Much of the damage shown is near the surface of the heart. Basically, the spike proteins from the mRNA vaccine get into the heart muscle and cause cardiac arrest. This is being described as a DIRECT LINK, where the doctors are not making a leap and hypothesizing about indirect causes.

              Tucker “Gets It” – Putin Doesn’t Want American Missiles on His Border


                by Mike Whitney, The Unz Review:

                “Getting Ukraine to join NATO was the key to inciting war with Russia. We didn’t get it at the time. (But) Now it’s obvious. Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine because he didn’t want Ukraine to join NATO. Putin certainly had other motives as well; people always do, but that’s the main reason Russia invaded. The Russians don’t want American missiles on their border. They don’t want a hostile government next door. Now that is true, whether you are allowed to say it aloud in public or not. It has been true for a long time. A lot has been written about this over many years by serious people. No one who knows anything and is honest, will tell you Putin invaded Ukraine simply because he is evil. Putin may be evil, he certainly seems to be, but he also has strategic motives for doing that, whether you agree with those motives or not. That is irrelevant. Those are the facts.” Tucker Carlson, Fox News

                The High Cost of Blowing Up the World: Ukraine and the 2023 NDAA


                  by Matthew Ehret, Strategic Culture:

                  Will Americans wake up to the reality that they’ve been walking on the wrong side of history for too long or has the point of no-return been crossed?

                  Bipartisan insanity was on display again this week as the U.S. congress responded to Biden’s requested $37 billion in additional aid to Ukraine by giving him $45 billion bringing the total U.S. support to its Davos-managed disposable ward up to $111 billion.

                  In War, America Loses – While U.S. Adversaries Have Been Strengthening Their Military, The Biden Regime Has Decimated America’s Ability To Survive A War


                    by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

                    The image above, the information and videos shown further below, represents the damning changes that have insidiously been introduced into our U.S. military ranks, quite literally weakening the strength of our nation at a time when we have conflict with Russia, China, North Korea and Iran, just to name a few.

                    Below we will discuss and link to confirming reports which conclusively show that between lowering the military readiness and training standards, creating “recruitment” videos full of cartoon characters, and offering up  “leaders,” born men, pretending to be women, in uniform, as well as a number of other issues, America is entirely unprepared to become entangled in a war and/or international conflict.

                    Treason from The Deep State?


                      by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

                      I have received a lot of emails asking why just five days after the New York Post revealed the Hunter Biden laptop story that went all the way to the top involving his father, now President Biden, the former CIA Director John Brennan, and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper announced on October 19th, 2020, a letter stating that this was a product of Russian disinformation and “hacking.” There have been people looking into this pair of Neocons who will say anything to reach their end goal – World War III to wipe Russia off the face of the earth and attempting to investigate what amounts to TREASON. They are insisting on war and were against Trump for he did not want to wage war against Russia. That contributed to the whole RussiaGate nonsense.

                      The genetic code, once people take these vaccines is long lasting


                        You May Not Have Heard Of Geoengineering But You Need To Know How Catastrophically Dangerous It Is To Work On Dimming The Sun


                          by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

                          Geoengineering refers to the fantastically stupid idea that dimming the sun and covering the sky in chemtrails will stop Climate Change, it won’t.

                          There are plenty of dumb ideas offered by science in every generation that have turned out to be incredibly dangerous, and then there are dumb ideas that are so fantastically stupid it boggles the mind to think highly-educated people conceived them into existence. Welcome to something called geoengineering, here you will see unparalleled idiocy like dimming the sunchemtrails, and other ways to ‘hack the planet’ that can only be a harbinger of diester.



                            from The Red Elephants – Vincent James:

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