You May Not Have Heard Of Geoengineering But You Need To Know How Catastrophically Dangerous It Is To Work On Dimming The Sun


    by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

    Geoengineering refers to the fantastically stupid idea that dimming the sun and covering the sky in chemtrails will stop Climate Change, it won’t.

    There are plenty of dumb ideas offered by science in every generation that have turned out to be incredibly dangerous, and then there are dumb ideas that are so fantastically stupid it boggles the mind to think highly-educated people conceived them into existence. Welcome to something called geoengineering, here you will see unparalleled idiocy like dimming the sunchemtrails, and other ways to ‘hack the planet’ that can only be a harbinger of diester.

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    “O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.” 1 Timothy 6:20,21 (KJB)

    You would think that people smart enough to get a degree from MIT would be pretty smart people, but actually as it turns out, not so much. A quick read of a King James Bible, written at a 6th- grade reading comprehension level, shows you that the planet stays beautifully intact, no thanks to man, right up to the moment God sets it on fire and blows it up. In the meantime, let’s see how many people will die in ‘hack the planet’ stupidity games.

    A geoengineering startup says it’s begun releasing particles into the atmosphere, in an effort to tweak the climate

    FROM MIT TECHNOLOGY REVIEW: Geoengineering refers to deliberate efforts to manipulate the climate by reflecting more sunlight back into space, mimicking a natural process that occurs in the aftermath of large volcanic eruptions. In theory, spraying sulfur and similar particles in sufficient quantities could potentially ease global warming. It’s not technically difficult to release such compounds into the stratosphere. But scientists have mostly (though not entirely) refrained from carrying out even small-scale outdoor experiments. And it’s not clear that any have yet injected materials into that specific layer of the atmosphere in the context of geoengineering-related research.

    That’s in part because it’s highly controversial. Little is known about the real-world effect of such deliberate interventions at large scales, but they could have dangerous side effects. The impacts could also be worse in some regions than others, which could provoke geopolitical conflicts.

    Some researchers who have long studied the technology are deeply troubled that the company, Make Sunsets, appears to have moved forward with launches from a site in Mexico without any public engagement or scientific scrutiny. It’s already attempting to sell “cooling credits” for future balloon flights that could carry larger payloads.

    Several researchers MIT Technology Review spoke with condemned the effort to commercialize geoengineering at this early stage. Some potential investors and customers who have reviewed the company’s proposals say that it’s not a serious scientific effort or a credible business but more of an attention grab designed to stir up controversy in the field.

    Luke Iseman, the cofounder and CEO of Make Sunsets, acknowledges that the effort is part entrepreneurial and part provocation, an act of geoengineering activism.

    He hopes that by moving ahead in the controversial space, the startup will help drive the public debate and push forward a scientific field that has faced great difficulty carrying out small-scale field experiments amid criticism.

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