In War, America Loses – While U.S. Adversaries Have Been Strengthening Their Military, The Biden Regime Has Decimated America’s Ability To Survive A War


    by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

    The image above, the information and videos shown further below, represents the damning changes that have insidiously been introduced into our U.S. military ranks, quite literally weakening the strength of our nation at a time when we have conflict with Russia, China, North Korea and Iran, just to name a few.

    Below we will discuss and link to confirming reports which conclusively show that between lowering the military readiness and training standards, creating “recruitment” videos full of cartoon characters, and offering up  “leaders,” born men, pretending to be women, in uniform, as well as a number of other issues, America is entirely unprepared to become entangled in a war and/or international conflict.

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    The most recent report indicating how woefully unprepared America is becoming to enter into a direct or even indirect conflict, comes from Military Times.


    As the Army rolls along into 2023, everyone from recruiters to senior leaders to Congress are closely monitoring whether the Army will be able to shore up its recruiting and stem the end strength freefall that the service is currently experiencing.

    The service experienced a shortfall of 15,000 recruits in fiscal 2022, which caused it to miss its congressionally-authorized end strength by nearly 20,000 soldiers.


    The conclusion comes from another earlier report from October, which states: “Davis will inherit one of the most challenging recruiting outlooks since the draft ended in 1973. How exactly the Army plans to deal with these unparalleled problems remains unstated. Officials have shied away from directly describing how they’ll mitigate the shortfall and fix accessions beyond a handful of headline initiatives that don’t yet have the capacity to meaningfully reduce the recruiting deficit.


    Flashback 2015 – ROTC Cadets in red heels



    For many Americans, it was in 2015 that we began to worry about what was happening to our military, when the image above went viral. The ROTC cadets were told they had to participate in a  “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” event as part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. After massive backlash against the images seen, the Army’s Cadet Command announced an investigation.

    It was claimed that while participation was mandatory, the wearing of heels were up to the cadets, but the viral images still became international fodder in regards to the optics of our military men in heels.

    Now, in 2022, we have military men pretending to be women, wearing heels and women’s jewelry, and Americans are told this is “inclusivity.”

    The category, “in war…..America loses,” comes from a number of decisions affecting the U.S. military.

    The lowering of physical standards for women, makes for a weaker military, in a literal sense.


    Following a three-year review, the Army has scrapped plans to use the same physical fitness test for all soldiers, choosing instead to have some reduced standards to allow women and older soldiers to pass, the service announced Wednesday.  

    The decision follows a RAND-led study that found men were more easily passing the new, more difficult Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) compared to women and older soldiers, who were “failing at noticeably higher rates.” That six-event test developed in 2019 was an expansion from the three events — pushups, situps and a run — soldiers had done prior. 


    The entire purpose of fitness tests is to make sure every single military member could perform in theater without endangering their entire unit in the midst of battle.

    By lowering those standards, the ability and readiness of a military unit is weakened.

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