Shocked Airline Passenger Sees UFO Flying Outside Her Plane And Snaps What Just May Be The Clearest Image Yet Of An Unidentified Flying Object


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

An airplane passenger took flying saucer speculation to new heights when she spotted a possible UFO soaring above the Big Apple — baffling experts and sending federal aviation officials on a fact-finding mission Thursday.

Back in March, airline passenger Michelle Reyes was coming home from a trip, and she started filming the impressive panoramic view outside her window when she was stunned to see a UFO hurtling past her. She immediately contacted the FAA who had no response, and then she posted it to her Facebook page. Now weeks later, people are talking about the UFO outside her window, and not coming up with any other explanation for what she saw that day. TRUTH LIVES on at

The UFO flies in and out of frame very quickly, taking up a mere 5 frames of camera time. But when those frames were analyzed, they revealed one of the clearest UFO images ever captured. Are we on the cusp of making contact with the beings driving these ships? I say not only yes, but we are overdue for this type of activity. The US government switched positions back in 2019 when they acknowledged UFOs are in the skies with Navy pilots on a regular basis. They are coming down as we prepare to go up on Flight #777!

Possible UFO over NYC baffles passenger flying into LaGuardia

FROM THE NY POST: Michelle Reyes was on a commercial airline flight above LaGuardia Airport on March 25 when she captured video footage of a mysterious “flying cylinder” out of her plane window, she said on Facebook.

“The first thing I did was email the FAA to let them know what I saw,” she told NewsNation Wednesday. “Maybe it was a safety hazard, but unfortunately I haven’t heard back from them, they didn’t acknowledge my email.”

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