Self Assembling Nanotechnologies Found In Blood Of The Vaxxed And Unvaxxed Pushing Planet Rapidly Towards ‘Transhumanism’ And The Globalists End Game To ‘Merge Man With Machine’


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

I recently watched one of the most alarming videos I’ve ever seen so if you haven’t yet watched the video I’ve embedded as the 1st video at the bottom of this story, I highly recommend you watch it.

Featuring Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PHD, being interviewed about her work, the video, not coincidentally, ties directly in to this new viral story over at Zero Hedge titled “New Evidence Suggests Vaccinated Can Transmit Covid-19 Vax Antibodies Through The Air,” a story which bluntly warns that everything the ‘unvaxxed’ have been doing to avoid getting the COVID vax bioweapon into their blood and their bodies has been for naught if they’ve been anywhere around ‘the vaxxed,’ including vaxxed co-workers, the vaxxed in grocery stores, vaxxed family members or even just ‘vaxxed bystanders’. Though that alarming revelation is an even bigger reason to avoid the vax as if it IS ‘the plague’.


And after watching that video below, you quickly realize all of THAT is just a very small part of the overall problem that Americans now face, with Doctor Mihalcea warning us that the blood of EVERY unvaxxed person that they have tested has the EXACT SAME ‘bioweapon contaminants’ in it as the blood of the ‘vaxxed’. And then ‘the kicker,‘ ALL of this is part of the overall agenda the globalists are now carrying out to accomplish their overall goalthe ‘merging’ of ‘man’ and ‘machine’. 

Also known as ‘Transhumanism’. What Dr. John Coleman has proven is that what Americans and people all around the world are unknowingly taking part in is a very well planned out ‘satanic agenda’ that goes back much longer than any of us has been alive as we’ll study in much more detail below.

With Doctor Mihalcea one of the very first people to warn us about ‘vax shedding‘ as she had warned Mike Adams of Natural News over 5 months ago in this video titled “Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea warns the Health Ranger about strange blood artifacts in the UNVACCINATED,” Dr. Mihalcea actually SHOWS US ALL the results of her work in the video below, using highly advanced microscope technologies to examine blood in that video below, and to say what we see is exceedingly alarming is an understatement.

As she not only warns us but shows us in her work using ‘Darkfield Microscopy,’ they are finding  ‘Nanotechnology’ in the blood of not only all of the ‘vaxxed’ but the ‘unvaccinated’ as wellself-assembling particles and what she proves to be ‘rubbery clots’ that should never be in human blood. Hence why these shots have long been known as ‘clot shots‘ to those refusing them around the world.

Yet she also bluntly proves to us why all of that avoidance of those death shots won’t make much of a difference if we’ve been ANYWHERE ‘the vaxxed’ have been (Still won’t make us take one of those shots!,) with proof now out the bioweapon is being transferred through the air from the ‘vaxxed’ to the ‘unvaxxed,’ and all of that just the very tip of the iceberg of the final ‘extermination‘ of the ‘human species’ to bring in a diabolical mixture of man and machine. With the ‘creation’ of those ‘microscopic machines’ in human blood actually shown to us by Dr. Mihalcea in that 1st video, with her showing us microscopic microchips self-assembling in the blood of unvaccinated people before our very eyes, as we’ll also go over below as explained and shown to us by Dr. Mihalcea in that video, there are ways to beat this.

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