by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:
Is this really so shocking? Yes, when I was growing up I would drink water directly from the garden hose that was used to water the lawn. In fact, kids all over America would drink water directly from a garden hose in the old days. It wasn’t a big deal. In fact, if I get thirsty later I might just go outside and take a few sips. Apparently there are some people on social media that find this quite unacceptable. They seem to think that drinking out of a garden hose is unsafe, and they wonder what we were thinking. Well, the truth is that it was a completely different world back then. The following video really helps to put everything into perspective…
What it’s like for us explaining playing outside to the younger generations 🤣😂
— TraderJill – Pronouns: The Crown/MemeQueen (@LadyJustice4512) March 4, 2023
I couldn’t have said it any better myself.
If young people think that drinking out of a garden hose is bad, just wait until they learn what else we did in those days.
When I was a very young child, I would walk to school completely unsupervised.
And I would also walk home completely unsupervised.
Once I got a little bit older, my parents would let my brother and I pretty much wander wherever we wanted.
As long as we were home for dinner, it was okay.
And once we learned how to ride bikes we could go vast distances.
Needless to say, there were no bike helmets in those days.
If you took a tumble, you got hurt.
But that toughened us up.
There were also no car safety seats.
We just all piled into the back and hoped for the best.
If there had been a major collision, whoever was sitting in the middle seat probably would have flown into the windshield.
In those days we also used trampolines without any safety nets.
It was all fun and games until somebody bounced the wrong way.
But if someone got hurt they cried a little bit and then kept on playing.
We lived in a world where nothing was “childproofed”, and somehow we survived.
We would even climb very tall trees without any fear.
The outdoors was our playground, and we would play for endless hours under the hot sun without any sunscreen at all.
Yes, there were dangers.
But we made it through and we are still here today.
I think that the fact that we pay more attention to safety today is a good thing, but on the other hand we have taken the coddling of our kids to such extremes that many of them cannot even handle the real world once they get older.
We keep them so bottled up and so protected, but in the process they never develop the toughness that they need to face the harsh realities of life.
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