Where is “White Privilege?” I Can’t Find It.


    by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

    “People don’t realize how hard it is to speak the truth to people who don’t realize they are living a lie.” — Edward Snowden

    February is the month we celebrate Black Heritage Month.  Try celebrating White Heritage.  It would be declared an insurrection, and instantly the FBI would be on the scene rounding up white supremacists and domestic terrorists.  White heritage has been characterized as racism, and racism is something to be ashamed of, not celebrated.  Universities and public schools have taught white students for years that they, their parents, and all forebears are racists who enslaved and oppressed black people. Some cities and states in the US have reparation committees deciding how much money people who have never owned a slave have to pay people who have never been a slave, many of whom don’t even know who their parents are.

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    After years of indoctrination by Critical Race Theory many white Americans accept that they are the guilty descendants of slave traders.  The truth is that the black slave trade originated in black Africa in slave wars between black peoples.  Blacks enslaved blacks. The British colonists were merely customers who needed a labor force.  The blacks brought to the colonies were enslaved prior to their arrival.  

    The White Slave Trade is far older, was far more extensive, and was contemporaneous with the black slave trade and lasted longer. But we don’t hear arguments about white people being held back from being placed in bondage.

    But as Edward Snowden says, don’t try to tell truth to people brainwashed into The Matrix.  

    The notion of white privilege is one of the most absurd fantasies in human history.  Do the people making the claim that bondage has permanently injured black American descendants of slavery–but refuse to make the same argument for white descendants of slavery–realize that they are saying that blacks are weaker and less resilient than white people?  Do they understand that slave wars were endemic in parts of Africa and that the implication of their argument is that the huge numbers of Africans who are descendants of slaves captured in those centuries-long wars must also be permanently damaged and there are no white people to blame it on?

    Today in the US more than half of all black children grow up with a female parent and no father present.  It is this, not slavery of 168 years ago, that holds back blacks.  Many years ago Democrat Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan pointed out that it was the white liberal Democrats’ welfare policies that destroyed the black family. What is going to bring about equality between the races are the feminists who are destroying the white family.  Already 18 percent of white kids grow up with one parent.

    Ask yourself how it is possible that there are professors in elite universities such as Harvard paid six figure salaries to teach the lie that white racism is responsible for black under performance.  Do these ignorant fools, and the equally ignorant administrations, trustees, and donors, understand that they are institutionalizing racial hatred in a multicultural society?  They are breeding violence, not comity.  And they celebrate it !

    For more than a half century black Americans have had in law legal privileges that convey preferment over white people.  Black Americans have privileged entry into universities, employment, and promotion.  These privileges have expanded with time. University admission requirements for blacks are lower than for whites.  White liberal professors once complained that this was a privilege given to sons of alumni, but they don’t mind the privilege being given to blacks.  Blacks have acquired certain protections in law that are denied to white people. For example, blacks can be victims of hate speech and hate crimes, but they can’t be accused of committing the same.  White employees of corporations, government, schools, universities, hospitals, military have to take sensitivity training so that they show proper deference to blacks as the lower orders in Europe were trained to show toward the aristocracy.  Some jurisdictions permit blacks to steal amounts up to $950 without it being a felony.  There is an ever widening range of  activities illegal for white people, such as looting and burning business districts, for which blacks are released from accountability.  

    This is a factual description of a black aristocracy and a white peasantry.

    The privileges that blacks enjoy are a total violation of the US Constitution, the 14th Amendment, and the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

    The 1964 Civil Rights Act explicitly forbids in statutory language racial quotas and preferences. The Act gave no authorization for racial balance in schools or work force. The Act explicitly states that employers are not required “to grant preferential treatment to any individual or group on account of any imbalance that might exist” in percentage or number of “race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.”  The Act also took no exception to qualification tests for employment and promotion purposes as long as they were not a ruse to weed out people on the basis of race, sex, or religion.  

    All the Act said is that a qualified person who meets the university’s or employer’s standards cannot be rejected for reasons of race, sex, or religion.

    Read More @ PaulCraigRoberts.org