Protestors gather in Oxford to demonstrate their disapproval of draconian 15-minute neighbourhoods


    by Rhoda Wilson, Daily Expose:

    Oxford was one of the first to announce a scheme where car owners will be fined for driving outside of their local area. On Saturday, people gathered in Oxford to protest the 15-minute prisons the World Economic Forum and its collaborators are attempting to implement.

    Proving that even children have more common sense and forethought than Net Zero Zealots, 12-year-old Jasmine sent Klaus Schwab a strong message: “How dare you steal my childhood and my future, and the future of all children, by enslaving us in your crazy digital surveillance prison.”

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    Oxford, England, UK, 18 February 2023

    You can watch all the speeches from the event, including Jasmine’s above, HERE.

    David Kurten of the Heritage Party was there. “No councillors, MPs or unelected globalists have the right to restrict the freedom of the people,” he said.

    Also in attendance was a pathetic looking, and perhaps “paid-to-be-there,” motley crew of masked counter-protestors yelling “fascists” at those making a stand for our rights and freedoms.  They obviously haven’t a clue what fascism is. And, it almost appears as if they are being paraded down the street with a police escort.  Perhaps that’s why they’re shuffling along looking awkward and embarrassed.  At least they had the sense to completely cover themselves up so they can’t be identified – they would never live down the shame and their family and friends would probably disown them.

    The Oxford Mail, being part of the establishment, focused on the number of people arrested, managing to avoid the reason for the protest entirely.  In the days leading up to the protest, using blatant propaganda tactics, Oxford Mail marred the protests as infiltrated or influenced by the “far right” and “neo-Nazis.”  Their lack of reporting on the draconian proposed measures based on a false narrative firmly identifies them as part of the propaganda machine.

    Oxford Mail reported that 2,000 people attended the event which surprisingly – considering how numbers attending previous freedom protests have been grossly underreported by corporate media – isn’t that far off.  By placing a camera in the middle of a road that protestors walked down, a citizen journalist filmed the protestors passing by and estimated the number of protestors at 2,600.

    The next action Oxford residents are planning is a debate on 6 March 2023 at the Wesley Memorial Church at 9 pm which is being organised by Reconnecting Oxford and #Together.  Find out more about the debate HERE.

    What are the Council’s Plans?

    Last October, The Sunday Times described what Oxfordshire County Council’s proposed policy is:

    Oxford’s 150,000 residents will be allowed to use their cars as much as they like within their district and will be given free permits allowing them to drive to other districts on 100 days a year. If they exceed this limit, they will be fined, possibly £70 a journey or a day. A maximum of three permits a household will be allowed … The restrictions will take effect between 7 am and 7 pm, seven days a week, in four of the six districts, but not on Sundays in the other two.”

    Neil McCoy-Ward: And So It Begins… (CO2 Travel Restrictions Are here), 8 December 2022

    The Oxford Mail reported that Duncan Enright, Oxfordshire County Council’s cabinet member for travel and development strategy, “insisted the controversial plan would go ahead whether people liked it or not.”

    And as it turns out Oxford residents don’t much care for Marxist-style authoritarianism and social media users let staff and councillors of Oxfordshire City Council know how they felt about the “15-minute neighbourhood” plans which prompted the dictators in the council to claim they were the victims of online abuse.

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