The Disturbing Precedent behind Dangerous COVID Shots


    by Cassandra Chambers, American Thinker:

    An incident from 100 years ago has a remarkable echo in the mRNA injection reality of today.

    After radium’s discovery by Marie and Pierre Curie in 1898, one of its commercial applications was in the production of radiant watches for seeing time in the dark.  The U.S. Radium Corporation (USRC) extracted radium from carnotite ore and produced luminous paints — first in Newark and later in Orange, New Jersey.  From 1917 to 1926, these paints were used to paint watch dials at the company’s factory.  In her 2018 book The Radium Girls, Kate Moore goes beyond statistics and anecdotes to the original sources to bring the young women who painted these watch dials to life.

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    Among the hundreds of watch dial painters over the years, there were Katherine Schaub (who started working at age 14); Marguerite Carlough; Grace Fryer; Hazel Kuser; and sisters Albina Maggia Larice, Mollie Maggia, and Quinta Maggia McDonald.  These young women felt excitement and pride working with the beautiful radium paint and earning substantial wages, which some used for stylish clothes and others used simply to support their families.  The painters enjoyed genuine camaraderie in the studio, and working with the fluorescent radium was fun.  Even though the painters were brushed off after every shift to conserve every grain of the expensive radium dust, some painters had a slight glow as they walked home at night.  The painters were instructed to point their brushes before dipping them in the paint in a technique known as “lip, dip, paint.”  They were told that the paint was totally harmless.

    The women painted for years while the radiation slowly, steadily, and silently sickened them.  Mollie Maggia went to the dentist in 1921 with a bad tooth.  That tooth was treated, but then other teeth decayed rapidly.  She suffered not only from the pain, but also from the unique smell of the rotting teeth and gums.  Soon Mollie’s jaw broke off in pieces.  Her whole face was a large abscess from ear to ear, and the pain had spread to other bones.  On September 12, 1922, the radiation that had been destroying her body ate away at her jugular vein, and Mollie bled to death.  It was claimed that her death was from syphilis, even though that was an impossibility.  Many other painters met similar gruesome deaths.  Hazel Kuser’s husband Theo and Theo’s father both spent their life savings and impoverished themselves in a fruitless effort to diagnose and treat Hazel.  By 1927, over 50 workers had died from radiation poisoning.

    Meanwhile, in 1923, the New Jersey Department of Labor was contacted about conditions in the plant, but it took no action against the company.  In 1924, Hazel Kuser’s mother wrote to USRC threatening a lawsuit.  This letter and the ongoing difficulty of hiring new staff prompted the company to call in Dr. Cecil K. Drinker of the Harvard School of Public Health to conduct a study of the plant and the workers’ conditions.  USRC sent a summary of the resulting study to the Department of Labor along with one out-of-context chart, claiming that its conclusion was that all of the workers were in perfect health.  In reality, the study correctly identified radium as the source of the harm.  Radium had a “similar chemical nature” to calcium, which caused it to be deposited in bones, destroying them from the inside.  No worker’s blood was entirely normal — even that of a new hire of two weeks.  Later, when Dr. Drinker was told about the false summary, he replied that he was understanding of the company’s position and refused to publicly contradict it.  The company doubled down and continued operations.  Eventually, a group of the injured workers successfully sued USRC, establishing legal precedents and spurring regulations governing labor safety standards.

    The parallels between the radium paint fraud against the workers and our current COVID-19 mRNA fraud are numerous.

    Disease and death: The first and most significant item in common is that both novel products undeniably cause disease and death.  It appears that the shots may not be as uniformly toxic as the radium paint (I pray that this remains true), but these shots are clearly harming and killing some people in large numbers.  A comprehensive catalogue of information about the shots can be found on this excellent website Totality of Evidence.  For a succinct summary of the stark numbers and smoking guns, see former BlackRock executive Ed Dowd’s website.  Studies show that adverse events in the VAERS database track closely in time to the number of administered shots.

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