Whether Due To Sheer Stupidity Or Because They’re Pure Evil, The Highest Levels Of The US Govt Have Been Carrying Out Depopulation And Genocide – Nuremberg 2.0!


    by Brian Wilson, All News Pipeline:

    If you had to describe the mood of the nation in one word, what would it be? How about “Rage”?

    Since the beginning of the (alleged) ‘pandemic’ through the deafening implosion of America’s small businesses, the near eradication of social comity to the rupturing of family ties, all done in your face with the iron fist of government’s tyrannical abuse of power, Americans have become permanently pissed off. The venom springs from a deep well of frustration, first with themselves for not catching on to the con earlier.

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    Add the resentment from the lingering tyranny of unconstitutional mandates, lockdowns, closings, and unscientific restrictions now proven to have been deadly deceptions . Ultimately, the familiar lack of accountability held against the burgeoning list of government scum, corporate cronyism conjoined with media complicity all acting in unison, have brought us to this tipping point.

    Adding octane to the frustration is the growing revelation of enforcement agencies that exist to protect us and punish the guilty, have instead openy pressed the notorious Ignore Button that springs the guilty from any responsibility whatsoever.

    While Congressional profligate spending has driven the national debt to $1.4 trillion and the Pentagon has failed its 5th consecutive audit unable to account for $2 trillion in assets, Congress and the Biden Administration have authorized the expenditure of $80 billion for the addition of 87,000 new IRS agents to audit the tax returns of roughly a million more middle-class taxpayers and small businesses. Simultaneously, the official Government Extortion Service informs taxpayers to report transactions of at least $600 that are received through payment apps like Venmo, PayPal and Cash App.

    But wait. There’s more. Much more

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