Cut Interest Rates & Dollar is done, Toast, It’s Over – David Morgan


    by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

    Economic analyst and financial writer David Morgan says do not expect the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates anytime soon. Morgan thinks the Fed is not going to devalue the dollar.  Morgan explains, “We need to continue the dollar until the new system is initiated.  That’s the point.  Yes, it’s about interest rates, that is part of the mechanics about this.  The philosophy is we need a dollar in the system as the king when we transition into the new system.  Now, there is a debate whether that is true or false.  Is this going to be a global currency?  Is it going to be a central bank digital currency (CBDC) that is worldwide?  Or is it going to be nation states with their own currencies?  That has yet to be determined.  I think the power behind the Fed wants the dollar to survive, and they are going to make it survive.  That means they are going to push interest rate as high as necessary until they can transition to this new system.”

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    So, what about this so-called Fed “pivot” to lower interest rates to save the day?  Forget it.  Morgan explains, “Take the converse.  Most of my peer group talks about the ‘pivot.’  Meaning, the Fed stops raising interest rates or they get to a level, they pause, and they start to lower them.  Anybody who is anybody in the financial markets knows if that is the case, they have basically destroyed the U.S. dollar.  It’s done.  It’s toast.  It’s over.  What that means is people will get rid of it as fast as they can.  All the dollars overseas will come back and repatriate for anything such as land, Toyotas, Fords–anything. . . . 60% of all printed physical currency (U.S. dollars) is held outside the borders of the United States.  The reason for that is two-fold.  Number one, it is the reserve currency of the world.  The second reason is that it is trusted in countries that continually have currency crises.  Argentina has a currency crisis every decade, and you have Turkey, and you have several others including Zimbabwe.  What do they use?  They use metal and U.S. printed currency.  That’s their black market or free market.  So, the currency of the U.S. dollar is trusted. . . . If you use the Exter Inverted Pyramid as a model as to how the crash happens, there is a run to the U.S dollar before there is a run to gold.  So, I am not surprised to see the dollar so high, but it has backed off some recently. . . . The dollar is trusted at this point in time, and to keep that trust going, we are going to sweeten the deal and keep pushing interest rates up higher and higher.  They are saying trust us, trust us, trust us.  They are doing it to buy time because everyone knows the system is failing, and they have to do something different.”

    Morgan also gives predictions for what is in store in 2023.  He talks about why you need gold and silver and why you need it now.  Morgan also has predictions for war, real estate, food, unemployment, the vaxed and inflation along with deflation.  The unprepared will be struggling way more than the prepared next year.  You need to get ready now according to Morgan.

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