Evidence of harm


    by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

    A short collection of key pieces of evidence showing the COVID vaccines are not “safe and effective.” Not even close. They are the most deadly vaccines we’ve ever produced.

    Executive summary

    Here’s a high level collection of some of the most compelling pieces of evidence I’ve seen to date. This is not an exhaustive list, but just the key pieces of data that are impossible to explain if the vaccines are safe and effective.

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    I’ve divided the collection into sections and I’ve tried to limit each section to the most compelling data points. So don’t be disappointed if your favorite item isn’t mentioned in this article; I wanted to keep it short enough to be read..

    I’ll try to keep this updated over time. It can be found in the Reference section of my Substack.

    The most definitive data

    The official US government safety monitoring system is the VAERS system. It has been throwing safety signals since the vaccination program began. The signals are all being ignored and the CDC will not comment on it.

    1. The VAERS system generated a safety signal for “death” long ago, but the CDC never noticed and is not commenting. This is a clear message that the CDC is not monitoring safety events. We were lied to. They said they were watching the safety signals like a hawk. They forgot to mention the hawk had a blindfold on.
    2. Nobody in the world can explain this graph. VAERS is the official safety monitoring system for all vaccines. We proved it isn’t fraud and it isn’t overreporting. Our survey of healthcare workers randomly sampled shows it is from more events happening. We were lied to.
    3. Not only are they not monitoring their own safety system, but none of the people at the CDC wanted to see the more sophisticated data collected by the Israeli Ministry of Health that the MoH did not tell the public about. Even the chair of the ACIP committee refused to even answer the question about seeing the safety data (preferring to call the Palo Alto Police instead).
    4. The CDC claims VAERS is simply overreported, but cites no evidence. The evidence I collected shows that VAERS is underreported by 5.4X. For example, the VAERS data shows that acute cardiac failure is elevated in the COVID vaccines by 475X compared to other vaccines. Once we correct using the 5.4X factor, we get a 2,565X higher fatality rate for these vaccines. How could that be “safe”? Nobody will explain that.
    5. Several analyses put the death count in America caused by these safe vaccines at over 500,000. The US household polling data shows as many as twice as many people were killed by the vaccine as from COVID. Nobody wants to comment on the survey or even to try to replicate the survey.
    6. There are no autopsies that test for whether the vaccine caused the death. Only one pathologist in the US is doing the proper tests to make the association. The rest don’t want to know. If they don’t test for it, how will they know?
    7. Damage to women’s reproductive systems (stillbirths, miscarriages, lower fertility, etc) are nearly all happening ONLY to vaccinated women.
    8. Sudden deaths worldwide are happening to vaccinated people at a 50:1 odds ratio. That’s highly unlikely if the vaccine wasn’t causing these issues.
    9. US household surveys show that over 1M people are so injured from the vaccine that they can no longer hold a full-time job.
    10. UCSF Professor Vinay Prasad calls for Biden to get new COVID advisors. That would simply never happen if nothing is wrong. Vinay Prasad is highly respected.
    11. See the news items in this article for more.

    The most egregious evidence ever

    1. In Alberta Canada, they are simply deleting the medical records of those injured from the vaccine.
    2. Look at this video at 6:21. In 777 patients who got the vaccine, the curve is shifted to the right uniformly. Meaning, pretty much everyone is getting heart damage to some extent after taking the mRNA boosters. This is hard for anyone to explain away. Professor Christian Mueller, MD, the scientist who did the study, is an expert in cardiac disease.

    Corruption at the CDC

    1. The CDC has been collecting V-safe data since the start of the vaccine program. The data was very bad, so they hid the data from everyone, even their own outside committees. After over a year of legal work, that data has now been released and it is devastating.
    2. The CDC is ignoring the safety signals triggered by key adverse events such as death. This is unambiguous because the data and formulas, both from the CDC, are in plain sight. A safety signal has been generated by the “death” symptom but the public has not been informed of this unprecedented event. There is no investigation and no press coverage. There are no “fact checks” and no comment from anyone at the CDC on this. This is corruption at the highest levels. This is the most critical safety signal to get right and they have completely missed it according to all the document obtained under FOIA. Furthermore, they refuse to comment.
    3. Nobody at the CDC, or on any of the outside committees, is interested in taking a look at the Israeli Ministry of Health (MoH) safety data that was concealed by the MoH. Think I’m wrong? Name the person who wants to see the data.

    The phase 3 clinical trial data

    1. The Pfizer trial 6 month report showed absolutely no all-cause morbidity or mortality benefit. There were no all-cause benefits at all. It was all negative. Ask your doctor why you should take a new, unproven medical intervention that is not shown to have an overall benefit. Even if there was a benefit of fewer COVID infections (which is seriously suspect due to the gaming below), the fact that the total all-cause numbers for both mortality and morbidity were negative means the intervention should not be recommended by any doctor.
    2. The Pfizer trial 6 month report showed that more people died (and were injured) who got the drug than who got the placebo. In other words, the cure was worse than the disease. The drug maker claimed that none of the people in the vaccine group were killed by the vaccine. They do not reveal the tests they did and explain how they were able to make that assessment. Why the secrecy here, especially in light of the study by Bhakdi and Burkhardt showing that trained medical examiners missed the causality link in 93% of the cases they looked at? The Pfizer vaccine had 4X as many cardiac arrests in the treatment group than the placebo (see page 12 of the Supplemental Appendix). This lines up very well with the numerous cardiac-related problems related to the vaccine as documented in the study by Retsef Levi and in the VAERS data which showed that the “cardiac arrest” reports were elevated by a factor of 93X higher than the annual baseline rate (VAERS reports from all vaccines combined in previous years). For some reason, the CDC wasn’t able to detect that signal (it was only 100 times higher than normal so they ignored it for some reason; they won’t let me ask them about it). In short, the claims from the manufacturer that none of the deaths were caused by the vaccine are highly suspect since all the evidence for those claims remains hidden from public view for some reason.
    3. The Pfizer trial 6 month report showed that at best, the drug saved only 1 COVID life per 22,000 recipients. This means that at best, after vaccinating 220M Americans, we might save 10,000 lives from COVID. But the VAERS reports show an excess death toll of well over 10,000 people and that’s before applying the minimum estimated under-reporting factor of 41. So there isn’t a mortality benefit: it’s actually the reverse. Furthermore, VAERS reports will likely only be filed for deaths in temporal proximity to the shot and is highly unlikely to report those deaths happening 5 months after the shot which appear to be the bulk of the deaths. This makes the comparison even worse. In short, we aren’t anywhere close to saving any lives at all.
    4. The Classen paper analyzed the clinical trial data for all three US vaccines and confirmed the lack of any overall benefit. There was an increase in morbidity which was highly statistically significant in all three vaccines. It concluded, “Based on this data it is all but a certainty that mass COVID-19 immunization is hurting the health of the population in general. Scientific principles dictate that the mass immunization with COVID-19 vaccines must be halted immediately because we face a looming vaccine induced public health catastrophe.” This is exactly right.
    5. The paper by Christine Stabell Benn entitled, “Randomised Clinical Trials of COVID-19 Vaccines: Do Adenovirus-Vector Vaccines Have Beneficial Non-Specific Effects?” confirmed that there was no mortality benefit by taking the COVID mRNA vaccines. “Based on the RCTs with the longest possible follow-up, mRNA vaccines had no effect on overall mortality despite protecting against fatal COVID-19.” See this article by Daniel Horowitz for more information. In other words, these vaccines have no death benefit. Period. Full stop. This is exactly what the Canadian analysis below showed.
    6. Serious adverse reactions, including paralysis, were not reported to the FDA and there were other very serious discrepancies in the trials. For some reason, nobody seems to be interested in exploring or explaining these very serious issues. Some are very clear cut such as the case of Maddie de Garay who was one of 1,000 kids in the clinical trial. She’s paralyzed now and has to eat with a feeding tube. The FDA and Pfizer never investigated, but reported her results as mild abdominal pain in the trial results. This is fraud. Also, there were 5 times as many exclusions in the treatment arm as in the placebo arm of the trial: 311 vs. 60. Do the p-value computation on that one and you’ll find that it could not possibly have happened by chance (1e-40). It means the trial was not blinded. Why didn’t anyone in the medical community ever point this out? Nobody will tell me.
    7. Pfizer admitted to clinical trial fraud in federal court. Their defense was that the FDA was in on it.

    Official government data

    1. In Canada, the #1 cause of death is now “unexplained.” See Deaths with unknown causes now Alberta’s top killer: province. If it isn’t the vaccine, what is causing this?
    2. In the US, the FDA is withholding autopsy reports from people who died shortly after vaccination. See “EXCLUSIVE: FDA Withholding Autopsy Results on People Who Died After Getting COVID-19 Vaccines.” Why would the FDA withhold from the public conclusive proof that the vaccines are safe and effective? The mainstream press isn’t asking about that. The article notes: “The FDA declined to release any reports, even redacted copies.” You don’t need anything more than that to figure out there is something very wrong.
    3. There aren’t any all-cause mortality studies vs. placebo on the COVID vaccine or any other vaccines for that matter. Why haven’t any governments anywhere in the world funded any such studies in the past 60 years? There must be a reason. Do you know what it is?
    4. The VAERS data, which is the official adverse event reporting system used by the US government, shows that an estimated hundreds of thousands have died and millions have been injured. If these weren’t caused by the vaccine, what caused them? Why are there more adverse events reported for these vaccines than for all other vaccines in history combined? Nobody can answer that question. See this tutorial and this recent confirmation and this article on VAERS and causality. Here’s how these numbers were calculated. Here is independent confirmation of the estimates by Dr. Naomi Wolf who used different datasets. No fact checker was interested in contacting me to challenge the facts since I always insist on recording any calls. Also, the causality of events was confirmed by the Israeli safety studies, but nobody wants to look at those.

    Read More @ stevekirsch.substack.com