Thursday, March 6, 2025

Tag: WHO Says 9 Viruses Have “Pandemic Potential”

WHO Says 9 Viruses Have “Pandemic Potential”


    by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

    The World Health Organization keeps a list of viruses and bacteria with “pandemic potential”. These nine pathogens are the ones most likely to infect humans and become pandemics.

    Jill Weatherhead of Baylor College of Medicine says prioritizing diseases is generally based on two factors: their ability to spread and the ability of humans to treat them. A revised list is likely coming within the next few months.

    Which one will the release choose determine to be the next major pandemic for which we all need to obey, comply, and be totally controlled by a ruling class to prevent? Which one will require forced vaccinations? Will one of these actually do real-world harm instead of just giving people a cold? Time will tell. But let’s be aware of what is on their radar at least, so we can adequately prepare when they decide which one of these will be “the one.”