WHO Says 9 Viruses Have “Pandemic Potential”


    by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

    The World Health Organization keeps a list of viruses and bacteria with “pandemic potential”. These nine pathogens are the ones most likely to infect humans and become pandemics.

    Jill Weatherhead of Baylor College of Medicine says prioritizing diseases is generally based on two factors: their ability to spread and the ability of humans to treat them. A revised list is likely coming within the next few months.

    Which one will the release choose determine to be the next major pandemic for which we all need to obey, comply, and be totally controlled by a ruling class to prevent? Which one will require forced vaccinations? Will one of these actually do real-world harm instead of just giving people a cold? Time will tell. But let’s be aware of what is on their radar at least, so we can adequately prepare when they decide which one of these will be “the one.”

    TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

    Pay attention to the short video below. It details the possibility that the ruling class completely fabricated the entire COVID-19 scamdemic. It’s also why we should hone our logical thought process and discernment before the “next pandemic” is shoved in our faces.

    But in the meantime, here is what the WHO is watching, according to NPR (government-funded propaganda):

    Nipah virus

    What animals carry it: fruit bats, including those called flying foxes, and domestic animals such as pigs, horses, cats and dogs

    How it spreads: Nipah virus can be transmitted to humans from animals or contaminated foods. It can also be transmitted directly from human to human.

    Its toll: 40% to 75% fatality rate. The virus can also cause encephalitis or swelling of the brain.

    Medical toolbox: There is no vaccine available for either people or animals. Monoclonal antibody therapies are in development.

    Pandemic potential: Outbreaks occur almost every year in parts of Asia, but there are known ways to prevent the spread of the virus. Prevention efforts include avoiding exposure to bats and sick animals, avoiding consumption of fruits that bats may have nibbled on, and not drinking certain raw juices from fruits that bats feed on. The risk of international transmission can be lowered by washing those fruits and fruit products thoroughly and peeling them before eating.

    Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever

    What animals carry it: ticks, livestock

    How it spreads: Humans usually get the virus from contact with ticks or infected livestock. Getting the virus from another person requires close contact with blood or other bodily fluids from an infected person.

    Its toll: 10% to 40% fatality rate. The disease is endemic, meaning it occurs regularly, in Africa, the Balkans, the Middle East and Asia. The virus causes severe outbreaks of viral hemorrhagic fever, a condition that can damage the body’s organ systems and cardiovascular system and that often includes severe bleeding.

    Medical toolbox: Although a vaccine is in use in Bulgaria, no research has been published on how well it works, and it’s not licensed anywhere else. Other vaccines are in development, and an antiviral drug called ribavirin appears to help treat infections.

    Pandemic potential: It’s difficult to tell when an animal is infected and should be avoided, and the WHO says the ticks that carry the virus are numerous and widespread. The threat could be reduced by trying to avoid tick bites and wearing gloves and other protective clothing when around livestock.

    Lassa fever

    What animals carry it: rats and other rodents

    How it spreads: The virus is endemic in parts of West Africa. Rats excrete the virus, and humans pick it up when exposed to the rodents’ urine and feces, either through direct contact or by eating contaminated food. It can also spread between humans through direct contact with an infected person’s secretions (blood, urine, feces), through sexual contact, and in medical settings via contaminated equipment.

    Its toll: 1%, but up to 15% in severe hospitalized cases. It can be deadly for people and fetuses in the third trimester of pregnancy. Besides death, a common complication is deafness, which can be permanent.

    Medical toolbox: There is no vaccine, but ribavirin seems to help treat infections.

    Pandemic potential: Because the primary method of transmission is exposure to a certain type of rat, the potential for the spread of the disease is most likely limited to the countries where the rat lives.

    Rift Valley fever

    What animals carry it: mosquitoes. The insects can transmit the virus to both humans and their own offspring. Livestock such as cattle, sheep, goats, buffalo, and camels can also get infected.

    How it spreads: It spreads to people through contact with blood, other body fluids or tissues of infected animals.

    Its toll: Although the fatality level is less than 1% and the disease is mild for most people, about 8% to 10% of people infected develop severe symptoms, including eye lesions, encephalitis, and hemorrhagic fever.

    Medical toolbox: Although a vaccine has been developed, it is not yet licensed or available.

    Pandemic potential: Rift Valley fever has spread from Africa to Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Flooding seems to contribute to more Rift Valley fever because more virus-infected mosquitoes buzz about after heavy rainfalls. Rapid case detection, including prompt laboratory testing of people with symptoms, has limited recent outbreaks.


    What animals carry it: mosquitoes

    How it spreads: In addition to mosquito bites, the virus can spread from a pregnant person to a fetus. The disease can also be transmitted through sex and probably through blood transfusions.

    Its toll: It’s rarely fatal, but Zika can cause severe brain defects in fetuses, including microcephaly. It has also been linked to miscarriage, stillbirth and other birth defects.

    Medical toolbox: No treatment or vaccine

    Pandemic potential: So far, it’s largely limited to areas where Zika-carrying mosquitoes live.

    Ebola and Marburg virus disease

    What animals carry them: Bats and nonhuman primates are believed to carry the viruses, from the filovirus family, that cause these hemorrhagic fevers.

    How they spread: Both viruses are believed to spread in the same way. After the initial spillover from an animal, humans spread the viruses to other humans through direct contact with blood or other bodily fluids of a person who is symptomatic or who has died from the disease. The viruses can also spread through objects or surfaces contaminated with bodily fluids and through semen from people who have recovered from the disease.

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