by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:
A little-known creative agency called Haven paid $20 million for two ‘He Gets Us’ commercials that are set to appear during the Super Bowl, starring none other than Jesus Christ preaching a cultural agenda.
Jesus Christ is the friend that sticks closer than a brother, but He’s not your ‘buddy’. Jesus Christ is the very image of Almighty God, but He is not the ‘man upstairs’, Jesus Christ shed God’s blood to pay for your sins, but He’s not going to give you a ‘wink and a nod’ to let you in to Heaven. What am I trying to say? I am trying to say the Jesus Christ is holy, righteous, perfect, and while the salvation He provides is free, it is not cheap. The Jesus of ‘He Gets Us’ appearing at the Super Bowl tomorrow is not the Jesus of the Bible. Tomorrow you get Laodicean Jesus, which is to say no Jesus at all.