Sunday, March 2, 2025

Tag: Cambridge And Merriam-Webster Dictionaries Change Definition Of What A Woman Is As Our Society And Culture Continue Its Downward Slide Into Darkness

Cambridge And Merriam-Webster Dictionaries Change Definition Of What A Woman Is As Our Society And Culture Continue Its Downward Slide Into Darkness


    by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

    Cambridge Dictionary is being blasted by critics online for revising the definition of ‘man’ and ‘woman’ to include people who do not identify with the sex they were assigned at birth.

    In his prescient novel ‘1984’ that has since turned into a 21st century “how-to” manual, George Orwell wrote about a time when everything would change, the foundations would be destroyed and meaning and definition of everything would radically be altered. Even the meanings of words could no longer be trusted. In 2022 alone, both the Cambridge and Merriam-Webster dictionaries have changed the meaning of what a ‘woman’ is reflect the transgender abomination of our age.