Sunday, March 2, 2025

Tag: Australian authorities pushing 5TH COVID SHOT on unsuspecting populace though admitting each booster is only “effective” for a few months

Australian authorities pushing 5TH COVID SHOT on unsuspecting populace though admitting each booster is only “effective” for a few months


    by SD Wells, DC Clothesline:

    Authorities in Australia are informing the 25 million people of the nation that they are “eligible” for a 5th COVID shot, as a “booster,” if they have not been jabbed in the past 6 months, except for if they’ve already had the Fauci-funded infection (the best protection there is, by the way). They are also “recommending” the deadly jab if you’re over the age of 65 or already suffering deadly yet preventable diseases, like diabetes, heart disease, or cancer (severe medical conditions that put them at “risk” of Wuhan coronavirus COVID-19). Only 40 percent of Australians were naïve enough (and still alive) to have received a 4th dose already, even though some of the clot shots have already been shown to cause “turbo cancer,” an expedited version where tumors enlarge exponentially after the jab.