Friday, December 13, 2024

Tag: All The Way From Bush to Biden

The Self-Delusions of Neocons, All The Way From Bush to Biden


    by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

    They are driving the U.S. economy into a black hole, by their obsessive insistence that America must continue to have the world’s biggest or ‘leading’ economy, which is an obsession that’s instead destroying the U.S. economy. So: they lie to say that the only alternative to America’s leading the world will be some ‘autocracy’ that’s far less democratic, and far more of a police-state, than is America’s Government.

    On the one hand, they talk about ‘democracy’ and ‘human rights’, but on the other hand, they are themselves the world’s biggest enemies of both, because they stand astride the world’s most rampant violator of international laws, a Government that not only pens up in prisons a higher percentage of its population than does any other of the world’s 200+ countries (which fact, in itself, is sufficient to prove the fraudulence of all neocons — including all U.S. Presidents in this Century) and is also in other ways a police-state, whose many coups or “regime-change” operations have produced since the end of World War II in 1945, almost all of the world’s military invasions.